The federalist

13 Reasons Joe Biden Isn’t the ‘Ethical’ President as Time Magazine Claims

The corporate media kicked off the week with another outrageous story to spin President Joe Biden, the man guilty of politically persecuting his chief political opponent and potentially selling American policy out to foreign adversaries, as an “ethical” president. Biden is “reset[ting] the guardrails against … abuses of power” and “increas[ing] public trust in government,” reads a Time magazine article unironically titled, “Biden Is Resetting the Ethical Norms Trump Trampled as President.”

“President Biden is proud to have restored respect for the rule of law and will not exploit his office with convention events on the White House lawn,” Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates told the magazine. “He will not exploit his office for political gain in the way that we saw in the last administration,” Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre added.

Below are 13 reasons Biden is not “ethical,” and may in fact go down as one of the most corrupt and immoral presidents in American history.

1. Allegedly Accepting Bribes

A “highly credible” confidential human source alleges that when Biden was vice president, he took a bribe amounting to millions of dollars from a foreign national in exchange for influence over U.S. foreign policy. The foreign national cited in an FBI document the bureau tried to hide from Congress is reportedly Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma. Notably, Burisma granted Biden’s son Hunter a highly lucrative board position from 2014 to 2019.

2. Weaponizing the Government Against Trump

Biden’s Department of Justice has thoroughly weaponized itself against former President Donald Trump, Biden’s predecessor and probable 2024 presidential opponent, subjecting Trump to an aggressive FBI raid and ultimately charging him with 37 federal counts in a seriously flawed case related to Trump’s possession of classified documents.

3. Withholding Classified Documents

Speaking of which, after leaving the vice presidency, Biden kept a horde of classified documents and, unlike former President Trump, did not have the power to declassify said documents. Moreover, The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland reports that the Penn Biden Center, where many of Biden’s classified documents were discovered, “is located at a busy D.C. office building that spanned some 10 stories and included numerous public areas, including a reception area on the roof that hosted weddings and other private events.” Others were reportedly found in his garage. By contrast, “Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home was private and protected by the Secret Service.”

4. Unpersoning His Seventh Grandchild

The entire Biden family, including the president, has disowned Navy Roberts, the 4-year-old daughter of Hunter Biden. According to Navy’s mother, neither Hunter nor Joe have ever even met Navy. Not only has the Biden family prevented little Navy from assuming the Biden surname, but President Biden continually tells the media and the public that he has only six grandchildren, rejecting his seventh grandchild. Good, ethical grandfathers don’t abandon or act ashamed of their innocent grandbabies.

5. Waging War on the First Amendment

In a preliminary injunction last Tuesday, a U.S. district judge detailed an appalling number of instances in which the Biden administration colluded with Big Tech companies to annihilate the First Amendment. As I wrote last week, Biden illegally partnered with social media companies to censor a range of people and topics, such as “the Hunter Biden laptop story, the lab-leak theory, anyone who questions the integrity of the 2020 election, anyone who questions the security of voting by mail, anyone who questions climate change, pro-lifers, people who believe in the sex binary, negative posts about the economy, and general criticism of the president.”

6. Sniffing Kids

Biden has been caught inappropriately sniffing, kissing, and stroking little children throughout his political career. Why does the president continue to invade children’s personal spaces, making them visibly uncomfortable despite public and media criticism?

7. Enabling Hunter

Biden’s son Hunter has a troubled history of drug addiction, alcoholism, partying with hookers, illegal possession of a firearm, and alleged tax evasion to the tune of millions of dollars. Yet in spite of it all, the president has maintained he’s “proud” of his son. Biden is even believed to have allowed Hunter to move into the White House with his girlfriend and 3-year-old son to avoid being served papers by Navy Roberts’ mother, who is demanding her daughter’s absent father turn over records of his finances as required by her child-support lawsuit.

8. Limiting Press Access

In his first year in office, Biden reportedly did half as many news conferences as former President Donald Trump. Even the media have criticized the president for his lack of communication with the press and therefore lack of transparency with the American public.

9. Refusing to Say Who Brought Cocaine into the White House

Sometime after Hunter apparently moved into the White House, staff had to evacuate the building when cocaine was found in the West Wing. Since then, the Biden administration has fed stories to the media claiming the perpetrator will likely never be found. The White House is heavily surveilled to ensure the safety of the president. The cocaine culprit should be easily identifiable by simply backtracking the security footage, but the Biden administration, which does not respect the law and is highly secretive with the public, refuses to do so.

10. Plagiarizing

The president is guilty of multiple instances of plagiarism, beginning during his law school days, when he admitted to copying a law review journal for an academic paper. Later, he withdrew from his 1988 presidential campaign after it was revealed that he plagiarized the late Robert F. Kennedy and British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock in campaign speeches.

11. Lying Nonstop

Speaking of Biden lies, The Federalist has kept a running list of all the falsehoods Biden has told since assuming office. So far, there are 237, and the lies range from how many grandchildren he has to the state of the economy and, perhaps most ridiculously, his past as a supposed civil rights activist. In reality, Biden publicly admitted he wasn’t a civil rights activist decades ago. Plus, he once eulogized a former Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan and opposed busing to desegregate schools because he said it would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

12. Hosting Naked Trans People on the White House Lawn

During a White House LGBT “pride” event, transgender activists danced around topless. Biden should have known that inviting a group of activists who are routinely guilty of public obscenity and targeting children with explicit performances and material are not appropriate guests for a “family” event, let alone one at the White House.

13. Looking at His Watch as 13 Service Members Killed in Afghanistan Were Carried off a Plane

Biden’s sloppy withdrawal from Afghanistan, which will go down in history as one of America’s most humiliating failures, stranded thousands of Americans, U.S. allies, and their families and led to the deaths of 13 U.S. service members. During the dignified transfer of the 13 deceased service members at Delaware’s Dover Air Force Base, Biden repeatedly checked his watch. Apparently, the commander-in-chief didn’t have the patience to honor the men and women who died thanks to his incompetence and failed leadership.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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