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15 Hilarious Memes From The First Presidential Debate

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The first presidential debate has ended. Did anyone really think we’d be here again? It feels like deja vu. While the corporate media typically masks Biden’s incompetence with fancy camera work and timely cuts, the meme community proved they never stop. Below are 15 memes that encompass the best gaffes and jaw-dropping moments (yeah Biden, we are looking at you) that aired during the debate.

We’ll add an honorable mention, because hard-core “memers” may not feel that it qualifies. However, it would seem Biden managed to meme himself.

As former President Donald Trump said in the debate, “I want absolutely immaculate clean water.” Does Biden’s water fit the bill?

According to Ilya Shapiro, there was only one thing that could have saved this dumpster fire.

Omg time to pull a fire alarm but the Dems just fired that guy.

— Ilya Shapiro (@ishapiro) June 28, 2024

Kamden Mulder is a summer intern at The Federalist. She is a senior at Hillsdale College pursuing a degree in American Studies and Journalism.

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