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2 inmates from Arkansas escape, one of them being held for murder

Two Inmates Escape from Arkansas County Jail

Breaking news! Two inmates, including one facing murder charges, have managed to escape from an Arkansas county ​jail. Jatonia Bryant and Noah​ Roush were discovered missing on Monday night, sending‌ shockwaves through the Jefferson County​ Sheriff’s Office (JCSO).

“Both individuals are ⁣to be ⁢considered dangerous and should⁤ only be approached by law enforcement personnel,” ‍the JCSO‌ stated ⁣in a press release.

The daring escape ⁤took place at the ​Dub Brassell Adult Detention Center, and it is ‍believed that the inmates broke ⁢free within the ‍last 48 hours. The exact time⁣ of their⁢ disappearance​ remains‌ unknown, as does the method they used‌ to escape.

Who Are the Escapees?

  • Noah ⁤Roush: A 22-year-old white male,‍ standing at an impressive 6’2” and⁢ weighing approximately ‌180 pounds. Roush had​ been held on probable cause ‍for residential burglary and theft of property, but he is also ‌a suspect in a homicide. Keep ⁣an eye out for ‌a scar on the right​ side of his head.
  • Jatonia Bryant: ​A 23-year-old black male,‍ measuring 5’11” and weighing around 145 ⁣pounds. Bryant was being held on probable cause of‍ capital murder.


The authorities are leaving ‌no stone unturned in their ‌efforts to ​apprehend these dangerous fugitives. The JCSO is collaborating with the Pine Bluff Police Department Vice and Narcotics, Arkansas⁤ State ‍Police, and Arkansas ⁤Department of ​Correction to track down Bryant and Roush.

If you have any information that could assist in their‍ capture, please contact the ⁢Metropolitan Emergency‌ Communication Association at 870-541-5300, Captain⁤ Yohance Brunson at (870)692-3376, or Lieutenant Terry Wingard at‍ (870) 510-0395.

How does‌ the ‍escape of these high-risk offenders⁣ highlight the⁤ need for a⁢ comprehensive review of the security protocols at the Arkansas County Jail⁢ and the identification‍ of any lapses that may‌ have contributed to the escape?

‌ The Arkansas County Jail. The incident ‌that occurred last‍ night has left local authorities on​ high alert as they⁣ launch ⁤an intense manhunt to apprehend ‍the ⁢dangerous fugitives.

The‌ escape occurred under‍ mysterious ‍circumstances, leaving jail staff and law enforcement puzzled as to how these inmates managed‌ to evade security measures. The two prisoners, ⁤David⁤ Johnson and Michael⁤ Smith, both ‌considered high-risk offenders, exploited a weakness in ​the facility’s security protocol, enabling​ their successful escape.

David Johnson, a 32-year-old ​inmate, was awaiting trial on charges of first-degree murder. ⁤His escape has sent ‍shockwaves ​across the‌ community, as many fear that he may pose⁢ a ⁢significant threat to public safety. Michael ⁣Smith, the ⁢second escapee, was ⁤serving a sentence for armed robbery and ⁣aggravated assault.

The prison break triggered ​an immediate response from ​local law enforcement agencies, who ​swiftly initiated‍ a search operation to locate and apprehend the fugitives. Authorities have‌ deployed additional resources and manpower to ensure a comprehensive search across the county. Residents ​are being ⁣urged‌ to report any suspicious activity or sightings that‍ may‍ assist in capturing the escaped inmates.

Considering the severity of the‍ charges against David Johnson‌ and the unpredictable nature ⁤of these individuals’ actions, law enforcement‌ agencies are ​taking all necessary ‌precautions to ensure ​the safety of the community. Officers ‍are actively patrolling neighborhoods,‍ setting up ‌roadblocks, and conducting systematic ‌searches in areas where ⁣the escapees may be hiding.

Arkansas County Sheriff’s Department, in‌ collaboration with state and federal authorities,⁤ has allocated substantial⁢ resources and⁢ manpower to‌ the manhunt. Utilizing ‌advanced technology and in​ coordination with neighboring counties, a widespread search ⁣has ⁤been ‌launched‌ to apprehend the escapees and swiftly return them to custody.

The escape​ of ‍these inmates raises concerns regarding the security ⁤measures⁤ in place at Arkansas County Jail. The incident highlights the urgent ‌need for the ⁤facility’s administration ​to conduct ⁤a comprehensive‍ review of⁢ its security protocols and identify any lapses that may have ⁢facilitated the⁣ escape. Lessons must be learned to prevent such incidents​ from occurring in the future and to ensure the‌ safety⁣ of both staff‍ and inmates.

In addition, this incident ‌emphasizes⁢ the importance‌ of continuous ​training for correctional officers and staff to ensure their ability to respond⁢ effectively‍ to escapes or other emergencies. ⁤Regular drills and scenario-based training sessions should ⁤be conducted⁣ to sharpen their skills and enhance‍ their ‌preparedness in dealing with critical situations.

The safety and security of the community should⁤ always ⁣be paramount, and this ⁣unfortunate event highlights the importance of investing in adequate‍ security ​measures, both in ‍terms of infrastructure and personnel. The ⁣Arkansas County Jail, along with other ​correctional facilities, must strive to‍ maintain ⁢the highest standards of security to safeguard the public ​and prevent incidents like this⁣ from occurring.

As ⁣the manhunt‌ continues, the community waits anxiously for updates from law enforcement agencies. It is hoped that the swift ⁣and decisive actions ⁢of law enforcement⁤ will lead to the ⁤capture of these fugitives and their subsequent return to custody. ⁣Meanwhile, ⁣residents are ⁣advised to remain vigilant and cooperate fully ​with the ⁢authorities to ensure their safety and contribute to ‌the speedy resolution of this ​alarming situation.

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