
2 NYC men allegedly faked 8 armed robberies for immigration benefits

Prosecutors ⁣said Patel and Singh staged phony armed robberies in​ order​ to make store clerks eligible for a⁢ special “U visa” that allows immigrant crime victims to stay in the country for four years. (Hingham ⁢Police Department)

OAN’s Elizabeth Volberding
4:28 PM –⁢ Monday,⁤ January 1, 2024

Two men from New York City ‍carried out ‍multiple fake⁢ armed robberies at⁣ convenience stores and fast food establishments across the United ⁣States​ in order to obtain immigration benefits, ‍according to federal prosecutors.


On Friday, federal prosecutors announced⁢ that two‌ men from ‍NYC, identified⁤ as Rambhai Patel, 36, and Balwinder ‌Singh, 39, staged fake armed robberies‍ at several convenience stores and​ fast⁤ food joints across the nation.

On December 13th, Patel and Singh were both arrested and charged with one count of conspiracy to commit visa fraud for their alleged scheme, which enabled the ‍“victims” of their thefts to sign up for special immigration visas.

Federal prosecutors stated that Patel and Singh were responsible for “at least eight” of the alleged fake robberies.

These incidents consisted of a “robber” ⁤threatening a store clerk with what appeared to be⁤ a firearm before stealing cash⁤ from the register in front of the surveillance ⁢camera in the ‍store.

Prosecutors also said that the scheme⁤ initially began back in March 2023. ​

They described that​ the scheme required‍ store clerks to wait “five minutes or longer” after the robber made their escape before ⁢reporting‍ the “crime” to the police.

The “victims” ⁤of the alleged robberies each gave money to Patel so that⁤ he would partake in the phony pranks, while Patel ​had paid the owners of each ​store to ⁣use their shops for the staged robberies. The store’s​ clerks or owners were all⁤ allegedly involved in the plans.

The staged robberies were carried out in order⁢ to give the store clerks the opportunity to apply for a special “U visa,” which enables immigrants to remain in ⁣the U.S. for four ‌additional years if they have been “subjected to mental or physical abuse.”

The Center For Immigration Studies (CIS) claims that⁢ the U visa is meant to “ostensibly aid in the prosecution of‍ crimes.”

Singh, who was‌ detained in Queens, appeared in a Boston federal court.

Meanwhile, Patel, who was apprehended in Seattle and mandated to be held in custody until ‌trial, is anticipated to be⁤ confronted with federal prosecutors in Boston at a future date, according to prosecutors.

The two men could receive a fine of up to $250,000⁢ and five years in ⁤prison if convicted.

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How does immigration fraud undermine the‌ integrity ‍of the immigration system?

Thousands of​ dollars and up to 10 years⁤ in prison if convicted of the conspiracy to commit⁣ visa ⁢fraud charge.‍

The investigation into this scheme ‍was conducted by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations unit,‍ with​ assistance from local law enforcement agencies in the various locations where the fake robberies took place.

Immigration fraud is a serious offense that⁢ undermines the ⁤integrity of⁣ the immigration system and exploits the benefits intended for ​genuine victims of crime. This case highlights ⁣the importance of thorough vetting and ‌investigation processes to ⁣prevent ​fraudulent activities.

It is also a reminder that immigration benefits should ⁤be reserved for those who ⁣truly need‍ them, and attempts to manipulate the system for personal gain⁤ will not ​go unpunished. ⁣

The U visa program was created to provide protection and support to⁤ immigrants who have suffered from qualifying criminal​ activities and are willing‍ to assist law⁤ enforcement in the investigation or prosecution.⁣ It is not intended to be exploited for fraudulent purposes.

Prosecutors are committed to holding individuals accountable for fraudulent actions and protecting the ​integrity of the immigration system. The arrests and charges in⁣ this case send a strong message that visa fraud will not⁢ be tolerated.

As the legal proceedings continue for Patel and‍ Singh, it ​is‌ important ​for the public to remain vigilant and report⁣ any suspicions of immigration fraud to the ‌appropriate authorities. Maintaining the integrity of the immigration ⁣system is essential to ensure fairness and justice‌ for all those involved.

Immigration ‌fraud poses a threat to national⁤ security and⁢ can have serious⁢ consequences for ‌individuals and ​communities. It is crucial for law ⁢enforcement⁤ agencies to work ⁣together in identifying and prosecuting those engaged in fraudulent activities.

By‍ exposing‍ and dismantling​ schemes⁣ like the one ​carried out by Patel ⁢and Singh, authorities ​can⁢ send a ⁢clear message that immigration ‍fraud⁢ will not be tolerated, and those⁢ who attempt to​ deceive the system will ‍face severe penalties.

The​ case serves as a reminder ​that immigration processes should be handled‍ with integrity and‌ transparency, ⁤and any attempts to ⁤misuse or exploit them must be met with swift and decisive action.

As the‌ legal proceedings unfold,⁢ it is crucial ‌for ⁤the public to have faith⁢ in the justice system and trust that appropriate measures will​ be taken to ensure accountability and deter ​future instances of immigration fraud.

Ultimately, the goal is to maintain a fair and just immigration ‍system that protects the rights of genuine victims while preventing fraud and abuse. This case highlights​ the ongoing efforts to achieve that⁤ balance and uphold ​the principles of⁣ justice and integrity.

As the investigation and legal ⁤process continue, it is ⁢important for individuals to remain⁤ informed and aware of‍ the ⁣consequences of immigration fraud. By staying vigilant and reporting ⁣any suspicions, we can all contribute to‍ the efforts to maintain a strong and secure immigration system.


" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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