7 Actors Who Deserve The Nicolas Cage Treatment


“The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent” is more than a jaunty action romp. 

The 2022 release pays homage to Nicolas Cage, who stars as a fictional version of his celebrated self. Wacky. Intense. Ready for action or a killer quip.

It’s tongue in cheek, of course, but the movie connects because we’ve been watching Cage on screen for 30-odd years – “and loving it,” to quote Maxwell Smart of the “Get Smart” comedy series.

It pays homage to a hard-working actor and acknowledges that we can’t help but like the guy – at least the guy we’ve seen on screen in films like “Raising Arizona,” “The Rock,” and “Face/Off.”

Yes, Cage’s off-screen antics include wrestling with the IRS and a failed marriage – or four. It never bled into his screen work, though, nor did Cage lecture us on who to vote for in any given election.

Do we even know where he stands on any hot-button issue?

It’s the secret sauce behind “Massive Talent,” the still-potent mystery Cage emits despite decades in the spotlight. It’s also the reason we need similar films honoring other beloved actors. 

Some likely candidates all but ruled themselves out of contention. Samuel L. Jackson is a perfect fit, but his ugly political commentary of late spoiled his broad appeal. The same holds true for Meryl Streep, Sean Penn, and even Tom Hanks. Et tu, Tom?

They’ve shattered the unspoken bond between actor and audience.

The following stars, however, are different, and, most importantly, ripe for a self-aware action comedy all of their own.

Christopher Walken

He’s even more idiosyncratic than Cage, and his decades of screen work are just as iconic. “Annie Hall.” “The Deer Hunter.” “Pulp Fiction.” All Walken needs is a single scene, sometimes, to leave an indelible impression.

He also seems in on his own joke, leaning into his Shatner-esque line readings – slow, deliberate, and oh so Walken-esque.

Sure, he’s nearing 80, but, as his recent work in Amazon Prime’s sublime series “The Outlaws” attests, he hasn’t lost a step. Perhaps his Cage-like project could begin with a nod to his bravia dancing, mid-air no less, in Fatboy Slim’s “Weapon of Choice” music video.

Al Pacino

One could argue Hollywood already gave the “Godfather” superstar his own meta-close up. Pacino’s cheeky appearance in Adam Sandler’s “Jack and Jill” let him mock his celebrated intensity.

Anyone care for a Dunkaccino?

Except “Jack and Jill” is considered the worst Sandler film to date, and that’s saying plenty. So why not let the ageless Pacino take a second crack at it? There’s so much to explore – from his mafioso-style roles to the sense that he’s the ultimate actor’s actor, willing to do anything for his art… even flirt with Sandler in drag.

Tom Cruise

“Tropic Thunder” showed a rare side of the “Top Gun” superstar. He can be side-splittingly funny, as witnessed in his supporting role as Weinstein-style movie producer, Les Grossman.

What better superstar to anchor a film tweaking his greatest hits and bulletproof box office appeal?

The problem? Cruise appears to be hyper-focused on both his career and image. He lost track of the latter during the famous “couch-jumping” incident with Oprah Winfrey as well as from his blistering attack on therapy a dozen or so years ago.

Since then, he’s stayed perfectly on message. All the more to playfully mock, of course, but can a 50-something Cruise let his brown hair down enough to make it happen?

Sandra Bullock

The “Blind Side” star loves making a fool of herself on screen. She leans into physical comedy like few starlets do, given her considerable Hollywood cache. Her recent hit, “The Lost City,” showcased her character’s clumsiness for all to see once more, bumbling her way through the “Romancing the Stone” clone.

She’s clearly a good sport, too – a trait that radiates from her many media appearances. Plus, she’s also got a killer resume to peruse, from the scrappy heroine in “Speed” to her rom-com victories and busts. 

She’s also achingly apolitical, staying above the partisan fray and keeping the spotlight mainly on her work. That, plus her on-screen scrappiness, would serve her well in a meta-comedy adventure.

Tyler Perry

The actor best known for his recurring role as Mabel “Madea” Earlene Simmons is part of a media empire unlike any other. He’s been a one-man force, giving black talent a chance to shine over the past 20 years, but he can’t escape Madea’s shadow completely.

He likely doesn’t mind, though.

Perry is often a force for good in Hollywood, using his fortunes to help others in ways that truly matter. His recent attempt to drag Joe Biden over the presidential finish line marred his apolitical approach, but he’s far from an ideological bloviator in the Rob Reiner/Debra Messing mold. He’d rather tear down extremism on both sides than wag a finger at his base.

He still brings a specific screen presence to the public, brimming with family, faith, and the ability to change one’s fortunes with hard work and prayer. Poking his finely tuned brand could be a hoot and a hit, given his TV and movie flocks.

Helen Mirren

The Oscar winner is Hollywood royalty, and that reign came before her turns as various English Queens. She’s as well regarded as any actress, but she doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty in populist fare like the “Red” films and the “Fast & Furious” franchise (three appearances to date).

That, plus a regal presence that all but demands a cheeky deconstruction, make her prime fodder for a “Talent” project all her own.

Keanu Reeves

Few actors are as universally loved as Reeves, from his blockbuster hits such as “The Matrix” and “John Wick” to all the stories of his off-screen goodwill. He’s never been a critics’ darling, and some of his performances are downright stiff. The less said about his work in “Bram Stoker’s Dracula,” the better.

Still, he’s proven both agile and ageless, retaining his status as an action movie superstar into his late 50s. Few actors have so many iconic roles to riff on, from Neo AKA “The One” to Theodore “Ted” Logan.

He’s been a good sport about his fame over time, too, and movies like “Parenthood” showcase his comic chops. Who better than to follow in Cage’s footsteps via a vehicle honoring all things Keanu?

The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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