Washington Examiner

83% back national age verification for porn sites: Poll

The ​Majority of American Voters Support Age‌ Verification for Pornography Websites

A recent poll conducted by the American Principles Project reveals that‍ an overwhelming 83% of registered⁢ voters in ‍the United States are in favor of implementing a‌ national mandate for age verification on pornography websites. This federal law would require consumers to prove ⁣they are at least 18 years old before gaining access to explicit content.

Currently, most websites only require age⁤ confirmation, which is less stringent than verification.

“It should come as no shock⁤ that Americans don’t want their ⁢kids watching porn,” says‌ Terry Schilling, the president of the American Principles Project. “Beyond being simple common sense, the‌ evidence is⁤ overwhelming that early exposure to ⁢sexual​ content can lead to many terrible consequences for a child’s mental and even physical health.”

The poll ⁣results come in the wake ‍of seven ⁣states, including Louisiana, Utah, Virginia, Texas, Mississippi, Montana,⁣ and Arkansas, passing verification laws aimed at protecting children from pornography.

In response to ⁤these laws,⁣ the popular pornography website Pornhub has chosen⁤ to cease⁢ operations in many of these states. Instead, ⁤they have ⁣opted to display a public ‌service announcement featuring an adult ​actress discussing the ⁤legislation passed in ⁢each respective ​state.

The American Principles Project’s⁢ poll reveals that a majority of⁢ Americans, 58%, “strongly” ⁢favor these laws, ⁢while ‍an additional 25%‌ “somewhat” favor them. ​Opposition to the laws remains in the single digits.

“Unfortunately, our lawmakers⁤ ignored the ​problem⁤ for too ⁢long while access to online porn exploded among minors. But⁤ now, that’s ‍finally changing,” Schilling‌ adds. “Despite the gaslighting⁣ by⁤ the porn‌ industry, legislators are recognizing the need⁣ to take action to safeguard ⁢our kids.‌ And as this latest poll‌ shows,‌ Americans ⁢from all​ political backgrounds are standing behind them.”

Schilling further states that his organization expects⁣ similar laws to​ be enacted in other states,​ and they are committed to advocating⁣ for ​these laws until children are protected in all 50 ‌states.

The poll, conducted by RMG Research, Inc., took⁣ place from August 11-14 ‌and‍ surveyed 1,000 registered voters. The margin of error is​ 3.1%.

The Washington Examiner has reached out to Pornhub and ⁤its parent‍ company MindGeek for comment.

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