Triggered: 1619 Project Founder Says She ‘Chortled’ After Breitbart Interview with Actual Historian, Admits She Needs Psychotherapy

“1619 Project” founder Nikole Hannah-Jones was triggered Sunday evening after a Breitbart News Saturday interview with an actual historian, Dr. Mary Grabar, detailed her path to radicalization.

Hannah-Jones called the Breitbart News article “the most amazing thing ever” written “about me since the 1619 Project published.” She also said, “Like, I literally chortled.”

In the interview, Grabar described how Hannah-Jones was subject to the controversial practice of  busing from a young age, a policy which included children being “taken away from their communities, from, you know, where their friends are from and where their churches are, into a sort of an alien place.”

The historian continued, saying “From a historical perspective, we can see [how] the bad policies of the 1960s and 1970s, which produced busing, and produced these radical activists who are writing these false histories — these were being taught in the schools to people like Nikole Hannah-Jones, who has risen to the top by producing this false narrative of American history, and weaving it in with her own personal story.”

“So, someone who probably could have benefitted from psychotherapy is now being exalted and placed on a platform as a historian whose, you know, are worthy of being taught in schools K through 12, and at the college level,” Grabar said of Hannah-Jones.

In response, Hannah-Jones said, “I think most of us would benefit from psychotherapy. What she meant as an insult I actually take as sound advice for the benefit of humanity,” asserting Grabar is the one who studied history for racial reasons, saying “It appears she did so to affirm white supremacy.”

Grabar replied to Hannah-Jones on Twitter, recommending that the “1619 Project” founder read her book “instead of playing the race card.”

Hannah-Jones then appeared to double down on the idea that her personal life was representative of American history, affirming Grabar’s point. “The facts of my life and what happened ‘is not history’? What do you think ‘history’ is made of?” she said.

In the interview, Grabar described how Hannah-Jones’s personal story and her introduction to “fraud of a historian” Lerone Bennett “radicalized her.”

“She would not say the Pledge of Allegiance, she began to hate America, and so she blames America for her family’s problems,” Grabar said. “You’ve got a woman who seems very embittered, blames all white people and her country for problems that she had.”

Grabar is a resident fellow at the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization as well as the founder of the Dissident Prof Education Project. Her recent books, Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America and Debunking the 1619 Project: Exposing the Plan to Divide America, can be found on her website, as well as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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