Nolte: Only 36% Believe Kyle Rittenhouse Media Coverage Was Fair

The latest polling from Rasmussen shows that only 36 percent of respondents believe the media coverage of Kyle Rittenhouse was fair.

Rittenhouse, who faced life in prison for shooting and killing two (white) scumbags and wounding a third (who was also white), was found not guilty by a Kenosha, Wisconsin, jury last week.

There were all kinds of videos of the altercation, and the video proved beyond any doubt Rittenhouse was an innocent victim in legitimate fear of his own life when these (white) depraved scumbags attacked him, one with a gun.

When 1,000 likely voters were asked, “How fair was media coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?” only 14 percent said “very fair,” while only 22 percent said “somewhat fair.”

Meanwhile, a clear plurality of 47 percent said the coverage was “not very fair” (19 percent) and “not at all fair” (28 percent). Eighteen percent had no opinion, which aligns pretty closely with the 24 percent who said they didn’t follow the story closely.

Here’s an even more stunning number…

Only 15 percent said the coverage was biased in favor of Rittenhouse, while 23 percent said it was neutral. But another clear plurality (47 percent) said it was biased against Rittenhouse.

In their disgraceful and disgracefully dishonest coverage of this story, the corporate media did not even try to hide its two primary goals: 1) lynch Rittenhouse with an unjust life sentence, and 2) if Rittenhouse was acquitted, incite riots in Democrat-run cities.

KENOSHA, WISCONSIN - AUGUST 24: Fires burn around downtown during a second night of rioting on August 24, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rioting as well as clashes between police and protesters began Sunday night after a police officer shot Jacob Blake 7 times in the back in front of his three children. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

KENOSHA, WISCONSIN – AUGUST 24: Fires burn around downtown during a second night of rioting on August 24, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rioting as well as clashes between police and protesters began Sunday night after a police officer shot Jacob Blake 7 times in the back in front of his three children. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

The lies were audacious and clearly — and I do mean clearly — geared to intimidate the jury with the threat of race riots.

The media lied about Rittenhouse being a white supremacist.

The media lied through omission to make readers believe Rittenhouse shot black people.

The media called him a murderer.

The media called him a mass shooter.

The media claimed the AR-15 that saved his life was illegal.

The media made an issue out of the non-issue of him crossing state lines to go to Kenosha (it was a few miles — not that it matters).

The media even smeared the judge as racist.

KENOSHA, WISCONSIN - NOVEMBER 10: Judge Bruce Schroeder, reprimands Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger in his conduct in line of questioning while cross-examining Kyle Rittenhouse during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial at the Kenosha County Courthouse on November 10, 2021 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse is accused of shooting three demonstrators, killing two of them, during a night of unrest that erupted in Kenosha after a police officer shot Jacob Blake seven times in the back while being arrested in August 2020. Rittenhouse, from Antioch, Illinois, was 17 at the time of the shooting and armed with an assault rifle. He faces counts of felony homicide and felony attempted homicide. (Photo by Sean Krajacic-Pool/Getty Images)

KENOSHA, WISCONSIN – NOVEMBER 10: Judge Bruce Schroeder, reprimands Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger in his conduct in line of questioning while cross-examining Kyle Rittenhouse during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial at the Kenosha County Courthouse on November 10, 2021 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse is accused of shooting three demonstrators, killing two of them, during a night of unrest that erupted in Kenosha after a police officer shot Jacob Blake seven times in the back while being arrested in August 2020. Rittenhouse, from Antioch, Illinois, was 17 at the time of the shooting and armed with an assault rifle. He faces counts of felony homicide and felony attempted homicide. (Photo by Sean Krajacic-Pool/Getty Images)

The media hid all the mitigating evidence, like all the videotape of an obvious act of self-defense. To make it seem like Rittenhouse ran to Kenosha to shoot black people, the media hid the fact his family lived there. They hid the fact he spent a whole day cleaning graffiti off a high school, which proved he was there to help.

Deliberate lie, after deliberate lie, after deliberate lie, and all to prove to themselves they still have the wicked power to lynch an innocent man and incite race riots.

But here’s the good news… Only 36 percent believe the media’s coverage was accurate.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… The combined failures, extremism, fascism, and dishonesty of elected Democrats, the corporate media, and Big Tech are bringing what was a 50/50 country together. Normal Americans have had enough. We saw it in Virginia, and we are going to see it again in the 2022 midterms. The public not only sees through the media, the media have also lost their influence.

Hell, the media couldn’t even start riots this time, and starting riots is a pretty easy thing to do.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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