Two Polls Show Growing Fear That Biden’s Spending Will Make Inflation Worse

Two polls conducted in West Virginia and New Hampshire show that Americans believe President Joe Bident’s spending plans will drive up inflation.

A Remington Research Group poll conducted in West Virginia found that 62% of respondents said they had seen, read or heard “a lot” about the Build Back Better Act (BBB). A 53% majority of all respondents said they strongly oppose the legislation, and 59% of independent respondents said they strongly oppose it.

About 64%, of West Virginian respondents said that BBB will make inflation worse, and 66% said they believe that Congress should slow down and reconsider the bill as inflation soars. Only 14% of respondents said they strongly believe that BBB will improve the inflation crisis.

“Everywhere you go, anyone you ask, the answer is the same: Americans are struggling to deal with skyrocketing prices,” William O’Grady, Deputy National Press Secretary for the Republican National Committee, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Voters reject his Build Back Broke agenda because it is wreaking financial havoc on American families, and there is no end in sight.”

The Remington Research Group poll was conducted Dec. 8-9, and it surveyed 1,145 likely 2022 General Election voters. The survey had a margin of error of 2.8%. (RELATED: OH NO JOE: ‘Republicans Now Sport A Historic 10-Point Advantage)

Meanwhile, a poll conducted by the New Hampshire Journal showed that 55% of respondents think the additional $2 trillion in federal spending will increase inflation, while only 9% say it will improve the situation.

“The fact is the premise of Biden has fallen flat and voters are now feeling presidential buyer’s remorse like no time in recent history,” Republican strategist Patrick Griffen told the Journal.

“The president is a drag on Democratic congressional and governor’s races across the country,” Griffen said. “The only thing worse than Biden for Democrats right now: Kamala Harris.”

Inflation soared to its highest level in 39 years in November, with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increasing 0.9% from October and 6.8% on a year-over-year basis, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced Friday.

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