Iranian Americans: World a Safer Place After Trump Killed Iran’s Soleimani


An Iranian-American advocacy group praised former president Donald Trump on the second anniversary of Qassem Soleimani’s death by U.S. drone strike, saying the world is a much safer place because of the Iranian terrorist mastermind’s assassination.

Soleimani was “directly involved in the killing and wounding of many American troops, as well as the murder and kidnapping of Western civilians and the destabilization of the Middle East through his use of terrorist proxy groups,” Iranian Americans for Liberty (IAL), a grassroots group of activists opposed to the hardline regime, said in a video released this week. “Soleimani’s targeted assassination hasn’t just saved American lives but the lives of many from the Middle East too.”

IAL also demanded accountability for Western observers and officials who condemned the Soleimani strike. The video highlights comments by Iranian-allied commentators and sympathetic U.S. lawmakers, such as Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), who said at the time she was “outraged the president would assassinate a foreign official.”

Many of these commentators and critics claimed the strike would cause World War III. Omar, in her comments at the time, claimed the strike could set off “another world war without congressional authorization.”

“Two years have passed. Isn’t it time to question those in the West who were so concerned about losing Qassem Soleimani?” IAL asked in the video.

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