Guess Who's Back: Far Left Facebook 'Whistleblower' Frances Haugen Files SEC Complaint Against Company

Far-left Facebook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen has popped back into the news with fresh complaints against Mark Zuckerberg and the Masters of the Universe. Haugen alleges that the company misled investors about efforts to combat climate change and coronavirus “misinformation” in a recent complaint filed with the SEC.

The Washington Post reports that far-left Facebook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen filed a complaint with the SEC in which she alleges that Facebook misled investors about its efforts to combat climate change and coronavirus “misinformation” on its platform.

Former Facebook worker Frances Haugen flashes a tight smile

Former Facebook worker Frances Haugen flashes a tight smile (Pool/Getty)

Mark Zuckerberg surrounded by guards

Mark Zuckerberg surrounded by guards ( Chip Somodevilla /Getty)

The complaint was filed by Whistleblower Aid, a nonprofit representing Haugen. It alleges that Facebook made  “material misrepresentations and omissions in statements to investors” about its efforts to combat misinformation on the platform. The complaints add to Haugen’s previous testimony before Congress and filing submitted by her lawyers to the financial regulator last year.

One complaint claims that Facebook allowed climate change “misinformation” across its platform and that the company had no clear policy on the issue up until as recently as last year. This was despite public promises by Facebook executives to fight the “global crisis” of climate change.

Another complaint claims that while Facebook executives were publicly promoting their efforts to remove coronavirus “misinformation” from the platform, internal documents “paint a different story.” The complaint notes that internal company communications discussing the spread of vaccine hesitancy in comments and internal surveys showed that covid “misinformation” was spreading freely across the platform.

One complaint states: “Some investors simply will not want to invest in a company that fails to adequately address such misinformation and then engages in misstatements and omissions on the topic.”

Haugen’s campaign against Facebook is backed by leftist billionaire Pierre Omidyar. As documented by Breitbart News, Haugen holds extreme views on the topic of censorship.

Breitbart News senior technology report Allum Bokhari wrote:

Haugen was part of Facebook’s infamous “Civic Integrity” group, the unit charged with watching over (i.e, interfering) in the last presidential election.

Haugen left because she didn’t think it went far enough. 

Despite its vast apparatus of censorship, the politically biased “fact checking” apparatus, the bans of prominent conservative influencers, the ban of Donald Trump himselfHaugen thinks the platform isn’t taking down enough “dangerous” content.

Read more at the Washington Post here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or contact via secure email at the address [email protected]

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