Jen Psaki Transfers To MSNBC Bureau Of The Biden White House Comms Team

President Joe Biden’s first press secretary, Jen Psaki, plans to leave her position in the White House soon for a shiny new gig at MSNBC, but her duties as the administration’s primary spin chief won’t change much even after she switches jobs.

Axios first reported in a scoop on Friday that Psaki would soon depart the White House. While Psaki has yet to sign an official contract, the report notes that the progressive network has been chipping away at negotiations with her for weeks. MSNBC hopes to bring on the former CNN contributor to host a show on the outlet’s streaming platform Peacock and offer frequent commentary on the outlet’s regular programming, something she already does in her current position.

To that end, though Psaki may be changing job titles and employers, her duty to run interference for and protect the Democrat regime is almost guaranteed to stay the same.

Jen Psaki Transfers To MSNBC Bureau Of The Biden White House Comms Team

From the beginning of her time with the Biden campaign, Psaki’s job was to make Biden’s disastrous administration look good to a room of mostly sympathetic corporate media reporters. When inflation skyrocketed, the border crisis worsened, U.S. soldiers died in Afghanistan, the vaccine mandate narrative fell apart, gas prices shot up, and more, the Obama administration veteran lied through her teeth to save Biden from criticism and move the agenda forward. She eagerly defended Biden’s terrible decisions, shielded Biden pawns such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, and offered to “circle back” on any inquiries that made her uncomfortable.

Psaki isn’t particularly skilled at fending off even the simplest of questions about Biden’s failures, as her interactions with Fox News’s Peter Doocy demonstrate, but MSNBC still wants her. Because like many other corporate media networks, MSNBC has done its part to protect Biden from tarnishing coverage, and Psaki is the perfect person to help them keep up that effort.

In addition to manipulating negative footage of an angry Biden to save the then-Democrat candidate from public scorn, MSNBC stifled reporting about Hunter Biden and the Biden family business that could have hurt the now-president’s chances of winning the 2020 election. When Biden did assume office, MSNBC was just one of the many outlets filled with commentators kissing the ground Biden walked on.

MSNBC, which is dominated by conspiracists and extremists such as Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow, is unashamedly a propaganda arm for the left and the current White House, so Psaki will fit right in. Already, the outlet poached Vice President Kamala Harris’s former spokeswoman Symone Sanders in January for roles on Peacock and MSNBC’s live programming. Psaki is just the latest member of the administration’s comms team to hop on over to the propaganda arm that is MSNBC.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire and Fox News. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordangdavidson.

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