Joe Biden’s Big Messes


It’s not easy being Joe Biden. The 46th president has been stepping in it his entire political career. Whether through unforced gaffes or horrible policies, Biden has made a mess of Washington, D.C., for nearly 50 years — though the mainstream media has swept most of it under the rug. But now as president, with the spotlight on him, not even CNN can hide Biden’s tarnished legacy. 

Had Joe Biden and the media cleaned up his unfortunate past mistakes like any smart shopper cleans their home with Naturally It’s Clean, perhaps Biden’s record would be as spotless and shiny as his dentures.  Let’s take a look at some of Joe’s biggest political messes, shall we? 

1) We’ll throw it back to his first time on the campaign trail in 1988. At a stop in New Hampshire,  then Senator Joe Biden began barking wildly at a voter, even challenging his IQ after a New Hampshire resident questioned Biden’s law school record. His outrageous outburst must be seen to be believed: 

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Biden, of course, was accused of plagiarism in law school and then busted for  plagiarism after copying Scottish politician Neil Kinnock’s speech. The evidence was there, right on the paper. But, had Biden used Naturally It’s Clean to polish his law school record or wipe clean Kinnock’s words from his speech, perhaps he wouldn’t have been busted.

2) Jumping forward to 2020, Biden kept up his antics by telling a Michigan auto worker that he was “f*ll of sh*t” and being a “horses a**” after challenging the Democratic candidate on his support for the second amendment:—-in-tense-gun-rights-argument.html

Now, perhaps Biden simply couldn’t see what a jerk of himself he was making. The autoworker was wearing a hardhat, and like most hardhats, maybe it just needed a good polish. Had a Biden aide thought “Let’s put a little elbow grease, and make sure we use some Naturally It’s Clean on it,” maybe the worker’s helmet would reflect Biden’s anger. They didn’t and Biden made himself look like a clown. 

3) Somehow, Biden was elected president in 2020. Promptly upon taking office, Biden undid nearly every policy Trump had in place on the southern border. 

But, rather than try to clean up the supposed mess the proper way, Biden simply tore everything down and ripped up all the papers. 

Had he taken a methodical, thorough approach that efficiently tidied up whatever loose ends were needed, he could have solved the border crisis in no time. But he didn’t, and now America has the worst border crisis in decades. Somebody should have bought him Naturally It’s Clean to scrub away whatever bad parts of Trump’s executive orders there were, keeping the rest perfectly intact and pristine. 

4) We all remember when Biden tripped up the stairs on Air Force One this summer. It was embarrassing for the whole country. How could this have happened? Well, rumor has it around some parts of D.C. that Biden’s team had not been using Naturally It’s Clean on the stairs. They used some other brand. The result, it seems, was a slippery floor due to caustic cleaning chemicals.

Now, that’s just a rumor, and truthfully it may even be completely made up, but what is undoubtedly true is that the wide variety of products from Naturally It’s Clean using “enzyme-based” formulas are the “most effective solution for a very wide range of cleaning problems.” If they used that on the Air Force stairs, nobody would slip and fall unless they were distracted by staring at how clean it all looked.

5) We don’t offer free advice all the time to Leftists, but when we do, we are confident it will work wonders. 

Let’s think of something here  — Biden has a whole host policy messes he has to clean up as well. Inflation, supply chain issues, the grease trail left by slimeball politicians like Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) each time they leave the White House — you know name it, Joe is in the thick of it.  In most Democratic areas, Americans are forced to smell the awfulness of a mask all day long and encouraged by Biden to do so. In short, absolutely everything from this White House is reeking up the place.  

So, hey Joe, most voters want to come home and be put at ease, take a deep breath and smell freshness while maybe enjoying a cocktail and forgetting about the world’s problems caused mostly by you.They also want to make sure they get the most bang for their buck (which is rapidly dwindling thanks to your Big Government spending policies). 

So here’s the advice, Joe: Buy products from Naturally It’s Clean, give The White House a good wipe down in hopes of getting rid of the grime from the D.C. Swamp, and show by example that Naturally It’s Clean is so efficient it will make even the Biden presidency look good. 

Buy Naturally It’s Clean here. 

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