AOC Implodes After Elon Musk Attacks The Far-Left


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) took passive-aggressive shots at Elon Musk Friday, an apparent response to the world’s richest man saying “extremists” had hijacked the Democrat Party.

AOC’s tweets, where she did not use Musk’s name, come after Twitter’s board of directors unanimously approved to be acquired by Musk earlier this week in a $44 billion sale valued at $54.20 per share.

“Billionaires be like ‘the extreme far left is taking over’ when the ‘extreme far left’ in the US is ‘medicine shouldn’t bankrupt you,’ ‘wages should cover rent,’ & ‘maybe it’s bad that Wall St companies profit off mass surveillance, manufactured housing crises, and caging people,’” she tweeted. “The number of billionaires in the US couldn’t even fill an apartment building, but the number of people they negatively impact is only growing. All the US billionaire votes combined couldn’t even come in 2nd for an NY city council election. That’s why they stay pressed.”

“Tired of having to collectively stress about what explosion of hate crimes is happening bc some billionaire with an ego problem unilaterally controls a massive communication platform and skews it because Tucker Carlson or Peter Thiel took him to dinner and made him feel special,” AOC said.

AOC’s tweets come after Musk tweeted out a graphic illustrating how the political Left has moved further and further to the Left in recent years.

“I strongly supported Obama for President, but today’s Democratic Party has been hijacked by extremists,” Musk wrote on Twitter, later adding: “The far left hates everyone, themselves included! But I’m no fan of the far right either. Let’s have less hate and more love.”

Musk also responded to The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro earlier this week in a tweet about the political Left attacking Musk following his decision to purchase Twitter.

“Attacks are coming thick and fast, primarily from the left, which is no surprise, however I should be clear that the right will probably be a little unhappy too,” Musk wrote. “My goal is to maximize area under the curve of total human happiness, which means the ~80% of people in the middle.”


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