‘The Great MAGA King’: Biden Yells About ‘MAGA Crowd,’ Trump During IBEW Speech


President Joe Biden assailed the “MAGA crowd” and the “Ultra MAGA” agenda of the Republican Party, while speaking at the 40th International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers convention in Chicago Wednesday.

While speaking before the convention crowd, Biden wandered around the stage with a handheld microphone, shouting non sequiturs and railing against Congressional Republicans, while touting his domestic agenda.

Biden’s first tangent came during remarks about government funds given to landlords around the country as part of the American Rescue Plan. “The American Rescue Plan provided eviction relief, funding for states and cities to allocate to landlords and renters, to help them keep a roof over their heads, five million households,” Biden said.

He then went off on a tangent about long lines at food banks during the height of the COVID-19 lockdowns. “Remember those long lines you’d see on the television? People lining up in all kinds of vehicles just to get a box of food in their trunk. How quickly we forget!” Biden shouted, waving his finger in the air. “People were hurting. And what did the MAGA crowd want to do? Forget it. Forget it. This is the United States of America. The idea that people would have to wait in line an hour, an hour and a half to get a box of food in their trunk. It’s just unbelievable.”

Shortly afterward, Biden broke into a shout while touting the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, knocking the Trump administration’s “Infrastructure Week” program. “Now, not only has infrastructure week finally arrived after four years of the other guy. We can look forward to infrastructure decade, for ten years. It’s a fact. I know you’re all over the country. And the projects are coming to you. Not just for a year, it’s for the next decade. Ten years!”

Later in the speech, Biden shouted another anecdote while touting his agenda. “Just this week, I announced that 40 million low-income Americans from families of four earning less than $55,000 a year will get high speed internet installed in their homes for free. Free! Free! We’ll work it out with the internet companies. Nearly 40% of households in America will qualify. We can’t be a country where a mother has to drive up to a McDonald’s parking lot in the evening with her child just so he can get on to the internet to do his homework. This is the United States of America …” Biden exclaimed.

Toward the end of his speech, Biden touted the “fiscal responsibility” of his policies. He criticized former President Donald Trump’s deficits during his term, while giving Trump a new nickname. “This is about fairness. This is about dignity, it’s about fiscal responsibility,” Biden said. “My Republican colleagues say these programs to help the working class and middle class people, they say that’s why we have inflation. They’re dead wrong. Under my predecessor, the great MAGA king, the deficit increased every single year he was president. The first year of my presidency, the first year, I reduced the deficit, literally reduced the deficit by $350 billion. First year. And this year, we’re on track to cut the federal deficit by [$1.5 trillion], the biggest decline in debt ever in American history.”

As The Daily Wire has previously reported, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget notes that the reduction in deficits over Biden’s term comes from the previous disbursement of COVID-19 related spending.

Finally, Biden fired another shot at Congressional Republicans, repeating days-old claims about the so-called “Ultra-MAGA” agenda. “I believe in bipartisanship. [But] right now the majority of our Republican friends just see it differently,” he said. “They don’t want to solve inflation by lowering costs, they want to solve it by raising taxes and lowering your income. Now you think I’m making this up, if I didn’t see the actual document, I’d think I was making it up … Senator Rick Scott of Florida laid out a plan in writing. I call it the [Ultra] MAGA plan. The Make America Great Again plan.”

The Daily Wire has also noted that there is not a Republican majority who agrees with Senator Scott’s plan, and leaders in the House and Senate have said that his plan does not reflect the party’s agenda should they take back control of Congress in 2022.

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