Hunter Biden's Ex-Wife Speaks to GMA

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On Tuesday, Good Morning America aired an exclusive interview between ABC News anchor Amy Robach and Kathleen Buhle, the ex-wife of Hunter Biden, who had recently published a memoir about her life dealing with her famous ex-husband’s struggles.

During the exchange, Robach asked Buhle how she felt about her ex-husband’s drug “addiction,” his earnings from being on the board of the Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, the pictures from his laptop, and whether she had issue with Joe and Jill Biden signaling support for Hunter’s subsequent relationship with his deceased brother Beau’s widow.

The GMA anchor framed the interview as Buhle’s long-awaited speaking out on her husband’s “troubled personal life.” “Hunter Biden has of course attracted a great deal of attention over his business dealings, his troubled, and turbulent personal life. Through it all his former wife Kathleen Buhle has remained in the shadows, but now in her new memoir, ‘If We Break: A Memoir of Marriage, Addiction, and Healing,’ she is now breaking her silence,” Robach began.

After a moment of Buhle reflecting on the catharsis of writing the book, Robach pressed her on her husband’s addictions. “At what point in your marriage did you realize that Hunter had a drinking problem?” she asked. 


Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle speaks to Good Morning America about her ex-husband's scandals.

Hunter Biden’s ex-wife Kathleen Buhle speaks to Good Morning America about her ex-husband’s scandals.

“With addiction especially there’s so much shame surrounding it that it becomes something that we don’t talk about,” Buhle responded.

Robach immediately followed up with a question on the photos pulled from Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop. “We’ve seen images of Hunter, the ones that were on his laptop looking disheveled. Was that the husband you knew in moments, at times?” she asked. 

“Not at all,” she responded, adding, “He was struggling under a massive drug addiction and that’s heartbreaking and painful and that wasn’t who I was married to.”

The Good Morning America host pivoted to questioning Buhle about her husband’s allegedly corrupt business dealings. Robach stated, “you say you weren’t really involved in the finances at all.” Buhle acknowledged the statement expressed her regret over that decision.

“It’s embarrassing to say that I ceded all financial control to my husband,” Buhle claimed, adding, “I liked the nice things and I didn’t want to think about the cost at which they were coming. Writing this book really helped me to understand how unfair that was to Hunter and how unhealthy that was for me.”

Hunter Biden’s position at Burisma came up next. Robach provided background, stating, “In the last several years Hunter Biden’s finances have come under intense public scrutiny. Biden announced in December 2020 that federal investigators had been probing his tax affairs and foreign business dealings.”

Robach mentioned that sources had told ABC News that “part of the investigation includes Hunter Biden’s work with the natural gas firm based in Ukraine called Burisma, where he served on the board from 2014 to 2019.”

Hunter Biden was a major subject of his ex-wife Kathleen Buhle's new memoir.

Hunter Biden was a major subject of his ex-wife Kathleen Buhle’s new memoir.

The host acknowledged that Biden has “not been charged with a crime” though asked Buhle whether she would testify against Biden if requested. 

“No. I have buried my head in the sand. I really hope that’s a lesson that women hear, understand your finances, take responsibility for them,” she replied. 


Robach then mentioned her 2019 interview with Hunter Biden, stating that she “asked him specifically whether or not he would have been asked to be on that Burisma board if his last name hadn’t been Biden.”  

Robach recounted Hunter’s response, stating, “and he said to me, ‘I don’t know, probably not. I don’t think there’s a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn’t Biden.’” She asked Buhle, “Would you agree with that?”

“Not entirely,” she responded, and explained, “trying to get someone to parse out what parts of their life, you know, came from their parents is in my mind not a healthy exercise.”

Posing a more provocative question, Robach asked, “Did he deliberately curry favor or seek profit based on who his father was? That’s the question people ask. In your experience as his wife did you see that?”

Buhle dodged the question, insisting, “I saw someone who loved his father, respected his parents and was proud to be their son.”

Robach switched to the topic of Hunter Biden starting a relationship with his late brother’s widow while still married to Buhle, asking the ex-wife how she felt about Joe and Jill Biden approving of the affair. 

Kathleen Buhle's new memoir details her struggles while married to Hunter Biden. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Kathleen Buhle’s new memoir details her struggles while married to Hunter Biden. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)


All Buhle said response was, “The one thing I’ve never ever questioned was Joe and Jill’s love and attention to my three daughters. Divorce was hard on all of us because we were very close, but we come together out of a shared love for my daughters.”

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