Trump-Backed Candidates Lose Badly In Key GOP Primaries

Tuesday’s primary and runoff elections saw two Trump-backed candidates suffer massive losses as the former president’s endorsement record endures recent setbacks.

Both Trump-endorsed candidates in Georgia lost their Republican congressional races in the state’s Tuesday runoffs. Trump-endorsed Jake Evans from the 6th Congressional District lost to Dr. Rich McCormick by 33 points, and Vernon Jones lost his race in the 10th Congressional District by 49 points to Republican Gov. Brian Kemp-endorsed Mike Collins.

Last month, Trump-endorsed Jody Hice also lost his Republican nomination for Georgia secretary of state. However, Trump-endorsed Katie Britt from Alabama did pull out a 26 point win for her senate seat nomination.

Democrat and Republican congressional seats as well as Democrat secretary of state and lieutenant governor nominations were up for grabs in Georgia, testing the endorsement powers of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and Donald Trump. Virginia only had two contested congressional seats up for grabs in the primary, but the races were tightly contested due to the number of candidates running for the seats.

Katie Britt and Moe Brooks. (Sean Gardner/Getty Images) (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

In Georgia, Stacey Abrams-endorsed candidate Bee Nguyen won the Democratic nomination for secretary of state against challenger Dee Dawkins-Haigler. Nguyen, a state representative, led by 26 points in the primary, but was unable to pass the threshold to win without a runoff; she will face GOP candidate Brad Raffensperger in the general election.

Charlie Bailey secured the Democratic nomination for Georgia lieutenant governor and Tabitha Johnson-Green won the 10th Congressional District’s Democrat Congressional runoff.

In Georgia’s 2nd Congressional District, it was a close 3 point race call for Chris West to win the GOP runoff, and 41 point win for Mark Gonsalves in the 7th Congressional District.

In Virginia, the 2nd Congressional District had four candidates to choose from with Jen Kiggans, a state senator, pulling out the win with 55.8% of the vote. Six candidates were vying for the Republican nomination in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District, with Yesli Vega, a police officer, projected to secure the win.

Virginia underwent redistricting that caused the 2nd Congressional District to lean more Republican and the 7th to move toward Democrats.

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