The Whole World Has Become More Stressed Since Biden Took Office

People across the globe are more ‘stressed-out’ in 2021 than 2020

 on&nbsp30th June 2022 @ 5.00pm

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28 percent described themselves as ‘sad,’ and 23 percent as ‘angry’

The world is “sadder, more worried, and more stressed-out” since Joe Biden became president, according to a new poll.

People across the globe are more stressed-out” in 2021 than 2020, pushing its “negative experience index” to a record high of 33 points.

According to Gallup’s annual global summer survey, 42 percent described themselves as “worried,” 41 percent as “stressed.”

Meanwhile, 28 percent described themselves as “sad,” and 23 percent as “angry.”

the figures are a two percent increase in worry and pain over the years of the covid pandemic

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The figures are a two-percent increase in worry and pain over the years of the COVID pandemic.

31 percent said they were in considerable physical pain.

The figures are a two-percent increase in worry and pain over the years of the COVID pandemic.

Gallup also asks about positive experiences, which found them slipping downward for the first time since 2017.

Positive experiences that slipped include laughter, enjoyment, learning, respect, and feeling well-rested.

The abandoned people of Afghanistan felt especially miserable under Biden.

Not only are they sick, starving, and fearful for their lives, fghans are “losing the remaining joy they had.”

“The percentage of Afghans who said they felt enjoyment, smiled or laughed, learned something interesting, or felt well-rested the previous day all dropped to new record lows,” the survey found.

the abandoned people of afghanistan felt especially miserable under biden

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The abandoned people of Afghanistan felt especially miserable under Biden.

“Worry, stress and sadness soared to record levels in Afghanistan in 2021: 80% of Afghans were worried, 74% were stressed, and 61% felt sadness much of the previous day,” he said.

“Notably, no other population in Gallup’s 16‑year trend has ever reported feeling this much worry,” the pollsters reported.

Gallup suggested it is “even more imperative for policymakers to understand why the world is on this course and to look for ways they can change the path it is headed down,” although its analysts struggled to explain the global slide into misery, especially when many were expecting a rebound after the hideous year of the pandemic.

As Brietbart noted:

Some of the individual national results were easy to understand. For example, Lebanon topped the charts as the angriest country in the world, which is unsurprising given its comprehensively dysfunctional government, the bitter factional disputes that made it that way, and the miserable corruption and incompetence that blew half of Beirut to smithereens in 2020 – an atrocity for which no one has been held accountable two years later.

Gallup CEO Jon Clifton gave three broad suggestions for improving global happiness:

  • Improving people’s sense of well-being at work
  • Reducing their feelings of loneliness
  • Addressing global hunger

But there is every reason to believe global hunger will get worse, thanks to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

[READ MORE] Biden Refuses to Help 40,000 Americans Trapped in Afghanistan

Read More From Original Article Here:

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