A Little Life Hack For Novak: Illegally Immigrate So You Can Play In The US Open

Novak Djokovic, one of the world’s greatest tennis players, is barred from entering the United States because he is unvaccinated against COVID.

He opposes it on religious grounds and is unrelenting in his refusal of the jab. Well, there is a solution for the Serbian father of two; he can join the millions from around the world and illegally cross the U.S. southern border.

On Wednesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its international guidance to say, “Non-U.S. citizen, non-U.S. immigrants: You must show proof of being fully vaccinated with the primary series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine before you board your flight to the United States. Only limited exceptions apply.”

That was the final nail in the coffin for the 21-time grand slam champion to decide he would be giving up on playing in the tennis tournament because he couldn’t fly here.

Thursday morning, Djokovic tweeted, “Sadly, I will not be able to travel to NY this time for US Open. Thank you #NoleFam for your messages of love and support.”

“Good luck to my fellow players!” the 35-year-old added. “I’ll keep in good shape and positive spirit and wait for an opportunity to compete again. See you soon tennis world!”

However, here’s a little life hack he can use: America has a wide-open southern border and plenty of people willing to help him get to New York City free of charge. All Djokovic has to do is declare asylum, refuse the COVID vaccine, and promise to show up to an asylum hearing sometime in the future.

According to the CDC, “The Presidential Proclamation and CDC’s Amended Order have no effect on several non-U.S. citizens.” That includes “Non-U.S. citizens eligible for asylum; Non-U.S. citizens eligible for withholding of removal.”

Once at the border, he will be released and can take a bus up to New York City, paid for by the taxpayers of the Texas government. Rest assured, New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) will welcome him with open arms to ensure The Big Apple maintains its reputation as a sterling sanctuary city.

Or he can join the 500,000 known “got aways” — individuals who were never even touched by the U.S. border authorities. He just would have to find the portion of the border that doesn’t have the wall.

The Biden administration has already admitted they aren’t too concerned with non-violent illegal aliens, so he has nothing to worry about.

Last spring, the Biden administration announced, “ICE’s officers and special agents focused on cases that delivered the greatest law enforcement impact in communities across the country while upholding our values as a nation.”

In other words, Biden only wants to target those he deems “threats” to the American community.

The devout Christian isn’t much of a threat to anybody, except on the tennis court.

If it means winning the US Open, perhaps sneaking across the border is worth a shot for Djokovic.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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