White House Tries to Invent Another Reason It Was Cruel to Send Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre continued to criticized Republican governors sending processed and released migrants to Democrat-heavy parts of country because, according to her, dropping them off in places like Martha’s Vineyard put their lives at risk.

The migrants were taken care of by Martha’s Vineyard residents before they were sent off the island to a nearby military installation shortly after their arrival.

“I was asked this question earlier today. I don’t know why we would reach out to a governor or governors who are clearly playing a political game. It is something they’re doing not to find a solution, but to literally put peoples lives at risk,” said Jean-Pierre during a MSNBC interview on Tuesday. 

“We’re talking about people who are fleeing communism, we’re talking about folks who are leaving Venezuela, leaving Cuba, because there are regimes there that are incredibly dangerous. And they’re using these children, these families, as political pawns after dealing with the political stress that they’re dealing from another country,” she continued.

Earlier in the day, Jean-Pierre was also upset at the prospect of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) of sending migrants from the U.S.-Mexico border to President Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware. So far, no migrant flights to Delaware have taken place.

“We’ve been closing coordinating the folks in Delaware, the officials in Delaware. What I can tell you that our heads up did not come from Governor DeSantis because his only goal is, as he’s made really quite clear, to create chaos and use immigrants fleeing communism as political pawns. So it’s about creating political theater for him, it’s not about getting to a solution,” said Jean-Pierre.

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