Biden Admin Apparently Believes Their Economic Policies Will Make Hurricanes Less Strong

It is easy to suspect that Leftists believe in the magical power of words, intentions, and laws. They often make extravagant claims about how renaming something will change it fundamentally (e.g. changing pronouns) or that passing a law will suddenly prevent bad things from happening (e.g. gun laws will make 400 million guns in the US suddenly impotent and obsolete, preventing mass shootings).

If they see a problem they immediately want to pass a law to limit your liberty. Solving the problem isn’t the point; limiting your liberty is.

I used to just accept that Leftists actually believed in the power of magical incantations, but now I am convinced that Leftists are just pathological liars who will say or do anything to gain power. And they often get away with it because in the MSM and the entertainment industry they have the most powerful and effective propaganda machine ever devised by man.

In no area of life is the Leftist willingness to lie as apparent in their war on the free market. And no propaganda tool is better used than the claims surrounding anthropogenic climate change. Their stories are constantly changing, their claims are ridiculously extravagant, and their goal is nothing short of taking over 100% control over the world economy.

Climate change is their longer-term COVID-type emergency through which they are seizing power over literally every aspect of the economy and our lives. We saw what they did with COVID, an awful but ultimately much less virulent virus than the 1918 flu (yes, a bad flu was worse than COVID, just as many of us argued from the beginning). Imagine what they will do to prevent (imagined) worldwide destruction.

Karine Jean-Pierre trotted out one in a long series of whoppers about climate change, and it sticks out for just how ridiculous her assertion was. When asked about the hurricane strike in Puerto Rico she shifted the topic to Biden’s climate change policies (a total non-sequitur) and how they are already working to reduce the power of hurricanes or some such nonsense.

Now there is precisely zero evidence that a warming planet, if indeed there is a long-term warming happening, will in fact increase the incidence or severity of storms. In fact there is theoretical evidence that storms will be less common and less severe due to a smaller temperature differential between the tropics and the poles, but that isn’t important to this discussion.  On this issue as with others she is talking out of her nether regions on that issue.

But most importantly, WTF does she think a law passed during the Biden Administration would do to change the current hurricane season? I mean, c’mon, man, really?!

KJP makes her predecessor look like a masterful communicator, and she’s about the only person in the Administration who is less coherent is the president himself. But he clearly has a deteriorating brain, so she has no real competition for idiocy there.

Her claim that a law passed within the past year could possibly impact a raindrop, no less a hurricane season in 2022 is ridiculous on its face. On its face, its torso, its pinkie finger, and its toes. It is laughable.

Yet nobody in the press corps laughed in here face. No tomatoes were thrown. No mobilizing of the “fact checking” machine that is currently peddling the ridiculous claim that ultrasounds measure electrical activity. Instead we get a bunch of stenographers willing to go forth with the new talking points and spread the word that Uncle Joe is currently saving us because we have a quieter hurricane season than predicted.

The worst hurricanes on record happened long before CO2 started skyrocketing. These things happen in cycles, and nothing any politician can do will change that on any human time scale. Period, end of story. Hurricanes will get worse again because that is what they do over the cycles.

Anthropogenic climate change is an hypothesis, not an established fact. What such climate change could do to weather is also unclear. There are lots of apocalyptic claims made, but honestly they are utterly unconnected to anything resembling science.

I am open to the possibility that something is there, but after nearly 30 years of following the literature the only thing I am convinced of is that most of the people involved are charlatans shilling for socialism. There is real science being done and more to be done, but what you read in the media and hear from politicians is propaganda. The science itself isn’t the problem; it is the anti-capitalist propaganda machine that latches onto every apocalyptic hypothesis that is.

I do have to hand one thing to KJP: she is so transparently lying that it is impossible to take anything said by this Administration seriously. For this we owe her thanks.

UPDATED for grammar mistakes and a bit of added clarity. 

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