One Of Biden’s Most Demented Days Ever

I’m not a doctor, so it really isn’t within my purview to say whether or not President Joe Biden has dementia. I do have common sense, however, and can say that Wednesday, September 28, 2022, was one of his most demented days ever.

Biden kickstarted the day by calling out to the dead. As reported, Biden thanked a handful of bipartisan officials for putting together the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. During his acknowledgments, he asked, “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie?” Biden was referring to Congresswoman Jackie Walorski (R-IN), who passed away last month in an automobile accident. He was totally unaware of his error.

“Jackie are you here? Where’s Jackie?”

Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) died in a car accident in August

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) September 28, 2022

To make matters worse, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre defended the statement as if it were a normal thing to say. Jean-Pierre remarked, “she was on his mind, she was top of mind,” and added that she didn’t “find his comments confusing.”

The only way the gaffe isn’t confusing is if Biden has a hidden medical diagnosis relating to his cognitive abilities. That would explain quite a lot about Biden’s actions.

Next, Biden’s wife Jill must have been reading The Daily Wire because she helped Biden make it off the stairs after giving a speech on Wednesday. Last week, this author pondered in a column, “Why Does Biden Constantly Wander Around Aimlessly After Speeches?

“It would be one thing if this were a one-off occurrence, but the Mr. Magoo-esque podium exit has become a hallmark of the 46th president’s time in office,” the column stated.

This author also asked, “If Joe Biden Were Your Dad, Would You Let Him Live On His Own?” while putting forth the notion that the first lady and Biden’s family were committing elder abuse.

Well, on Wednesday, Jill was seen directing Biden away from the podium in the Rose Garden. “You go down … here,” Jill can be heard saying while guiding her husband.

Jill Biden has to direct Joe Biden away from the podium: “You go down this way.”

Biden still looks confused and wanders around

— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) September 28, 2022

It seems Jill got the memo that she can’t in good conscience let Biden meander around. He isn’t in the old folks’ home, he’s in the Oval Office. Maybe next, she’ll get him to resign.

Then there’s the actual substance of Biden’s big event on starvation.

The president promised on Wednesday that he would end hunger in America by 2030. As it currently stands, more Americans are going hungry under Biden’s watch as inflation eats away at their ability to purchase food. If he can’t even handle it now, how is the federal government going to solve the problem through a series of welfare programs?

It’s sort of reminiscent of this old clip of then-San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. In 2008, he promised to end homelessness within 10 years in San Fransisco.

Gavin Newsom vows to end homelessness in San Fransisco in 10 year…in 2008

— Kevin Dalton (@KevinForBOS) September 22, 2022

In March 2005, the Golden Gate City had 6,248 homeless individuals and many more who bounced between permanent housing and the streets. Since then, the city has spent billions of dollars on the issue. In 2022, the city has nearly 8,000 vagrants. In other words, Newsom’s big government spending plan epically failed.

And such will be the case with Biden’s plan to end food hunger. Big government programs never really work, but that doesn’t matter to Biden. What matters is expanding government power — even if he isn’t quite all there or calling the shots to make it happen.

Between the half-baked government programs, Biden’s not-so-secret senility, and Jean-Pierre’s blatant lies, it is insulting how dumb this White House thinks the American people are.

The president is batty. Everyone can see it.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Related: White House Midterm Plan: Deny Reality

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