My ‘White Lives Matter’ T-Shirt, Kanye West, Lizzo, And The Real Killers In The Black Community

The internet is broken. It’s not working anywhere in the world because I wore a tee shirt alongside Kanye West which read “White Lives Matter” at Yeezy’s Season Nine fashion show in Paris on Monday.

God forbid you wear a t-shirt that says, “White Lives Matter.”

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) October 3, 2022

According to the Left, you’re only supposed to say, “Black Lives Matter” while ignoring the actual problems of the black community. Let’s break down those problems in this article.

Across social media, progressives claimed that Kanye and I were promoting White supremacy with the shirts. In his only response to the outrage, Kanye West posted on Instagram, “Everyone knows that Black Lives Matter was a scam. Now it’s over. You’re welcome.”

What critics don’t understand is that Kanye West didn’t put a “White Lives Matter” t-shirt on first. 

The Left and supporters of “Black Lives Matter” did. 

They did so by ignoring what “Black Lives Matter” would actually mean if it were applied to the real world.

It would mean taking a look at a number of statistics that show the absolute state of ruin in black America.

If black lives actually mattered, then some of the things I’ve been talking about throughout my entire political career and on my shows would be getting attention — not the t-shirts.

Here are just a few of those facts that we should be talking about. 

First, 117,626 black children were reportedly killed by surgical abortion in the United States in 2018 alone. Since 1973, 900 black babies have been killed every single day. 

Abortion in America has contributed to the greatest decline in black population since the first black slaves arrived. You will hear people decry lynching in American history and compare modern events to “lynching.” Between, 1882 to 1951, 3,438 black people were lynched in America. 

The Left talks about lynching as this horrific thing that’s happened in the past, but when it’s pointed out that 20 million black infants have neen abortion since 1973, they don’t even blink an eye. Worse, the Left tells those same black people that they need to be outraged when a Planned Parenthood clinic shuts down in their neighborhood.

20 million.

When you talk about the Holocaust or the Rwandan Genocide, people rightfully saying, “This is horrible” because it is horrible. But, black Americans have convinced ourselves to genocide our own offspring, nobody cares.

Well, abortion isn’t the only thing that’s killing black America, literally.

We also know obesity is killing black women in America.

Maybe what we should have done is put a White Lives Matter t-shirt on Lizzo. Maybe then we could have gotten a lot of attention about obesity and how it’s actually killing black Americans. 

And of course, I know Black Lives Matter told you that police shootings were the number one killer of black Americans, right?

That movement made you think that thousands of black men were dying at the hands of police each year in America.

Well, no, that’s absolutely not the case. Did you know in the year 2019, 14 unarmed black men were killed by police. Fourteen of them. 

But, I guess we shouldn’t talk about that.

You know why?

Because obesity and abortion don’t wear t-shirts that say “White Lives Matter.”

People don’t want to talk about the fact that black people are slaughtering other black people. 

People don’t want to talk about black-on-black crime.

People don’t want to talk about the fact that all of these problems, including America’s high incarceration rate of black people and our poor education, can be explained, in part, by the number of broken families within our communities — families that have been strategically broken down in a culture that further promote breakdown of family, that corrodes the value of women, and that corrodes the value of men.

But hey, broken families don’t wear “White Lives Matter” t-shirts, so who cares? 

Who cares if 20 million black babies are dead? Who cares if half of our black men are locked up? Who cares if four out five of black women are overweight and spelling out their own death sentences? Who cares if we represented nearly 40% of all homicide offenders in 2019?

All of that can only be explained by “racism” and white supremacy, according to those who push the Black Lives Matter narrative.

As I was eating breakfast with Kanye, he gave a quote for an interview which summarizes the BLM movement.

“Utopia is possible without who we are being led by.” That of course led me to think of Black Lives Matter again.

And these people who claim to be “leaders.”

Those “leaders” knew that what they were doing was further dividing the masses. They were selling a mirage.

That mirage claimed all we needed to do was burn down our own neighborhoods, all we needed to do was have our youth wear “George Floyd” t-shirts, all we needed to do was loot Targets and expensive stores and somehow justice

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