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Trump Was Right: He “Destroyed” Late Night TV

Little known fact – Donald Trump has a knack for grandiosity.

It doesn’t mean the 45th president’s boasts aren’t occasionally on target.

Trump once bragged the mainstream media needed him to survive. Those same outlets are still around, but their numbers are a far cry from what they were during Trump’s term in office. And don’t even mention CNN+, which lasted all of one month before shuttering.

In short, Trump had a point.

The latest example of Trump’s ego sharing a larger truth?

“It was my great honor to have destroyed the ratings of Late Night ‘Comedy’ shows,” Trump shared from his Truth Social perch. “When Jimmy Fallon apologized for having humanized ‘Trump,’ and his ratings soared, the Radical Left forced him to apologize—that was effectively the end of The Tonight Show.”

More Trump hot air? Not so fast.

The real estate mogul’s 2016 “Tonight Show” appearance, in which Fallon tousled Trump’s hair, caused the press to turn on the host. The former “Saturday Night Live” star groveled for forgiveness. His show’s hard-Left viewers weren’t ready to make nice.

They fled for more partisan programs like CBS’s “The Late Show” and ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live.” And, by the look of Fallon’s current ratings, they never returned. A show that dominated late-night TV for decades is now a consistent fourth-place finisher.


Yet Trump’s impact on late-night television began before that “Tonight Show” appearance. When Trump emerged as a credible threat to win the GOP primaries in 2016 late night hosts abandoned all pretense of objectivity.

Host after host turned their satirical guns on the brash mogul, ignoring Hillary Clinton as a potential butt of their jokes.

Late-night television became a monolithic voice ready to stop Trump from ascending to the highest office in the land.

They failed.

So they did what most comic hosts should. They spent the next four years mocking Trump in every way possible. He was the president, after all.

Except their “Orange Man Bad” gags quickly grew stale, much like previous “horny” Bill Clinton jokes in the 1990s. Hosts also squandered their trustworthiness by going “all in” on the Russian collusion narrative, a corruption that left them buried by Fake News.

No matter. Colbert and co. cared more about “clapter” than penning funny bits.

They also ignored any Democrat behaving badly during Trump’s time in office. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s muddled hot takes? Never heard of her.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s marble-mouthed gaffes? Get her on the show, stat, and we’ll throw softball queries at her.

Late Night TV branded itself part of The Resistance, alienating half the country in the process. Kimmel, when asked how he felt about losing Republican viewers, said, “not good riddance, but riddance.”

So when Trump lost to Joe Biden in 2020, the various late-night shows couldn’t course correct. They continued mocking Trump and other GOP figures (like Fox News superstar Tucker Carlson), ignoring the current Commander in Chief and his gaffe-tastic Vice

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