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Mark Lewis: Tulsi’s Analysis Was Spot On

Sir Winston Churchill once remarked that the best argument against democracy was a five-minute conversation with the average voter. Not everybody is interested, or concerned, about politics, figuring perhaps their one vote isn’t going to make much difference. Or, they just don’t care as long as they are enjoying life without too many troublesome affairs. Not everybody lives in a big city or on the border, so a couple of the major problems of America don’t really reach them. Inflation and gas prices touch just about everybody, but again, as long as I can eat, I’m ok. The Republicans are idiots, the Democrats are crazy…what a choice! Those “average voters” may not be so dumb after all.

Too many people don’t know what to do at the ballot box, so they vote their emotions, or vote for the cute guy (or gal), or flip a coin, or do anything but use common sense and what might be best for the country. Joe Biden and the Democrats have created tremendous chaos in America, enough so that any intelligent, decent person wouldn’t even consider voting for a Democrat. But almost 40 percent say Biden is doing a good job, and the Republicans are struggling to gain control of the Senate—and may not. Or the House. Who knows?

A five-minute conversation with the average voter…

This week, former Hawaii Congresswoman and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard announced she was leaving the Democratic Party, though she hasn’t said where she will land yet. It would be interesting to take a poll of Americans to find out how many people have never heard of Tulsi Gabbard (a lot, I imagine), but, coming less than a month before the midterm elections, this is not a good thing for Democrats. Enough people DO know who Tulsi is and will pay attention to what she says. And there may be some who will be persuaded by her reasoning. Her analysis of the Democratic Party is never heard on the mainstream media, but they can’t ignore her defection and rationale. Some Americans might learn quite a bit about the Democratic Party that they had not known because of media blackout.

Her reasons were spot on. She left because:

1. “The Democratic Party…is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal…” The Democratic Party used to be the “party of the little man” and the Republicans were the party of “big business.” No doubt, many traditional Democrats still believe that and vote that way. But Gabbard is absolutely correct. The Democrats are the elitists now, looking down their noses at average Americans.

2. “…of warmongers…” The Republicans, if they had any leadership now, could draw such a tremendous distinction here. It is Biden and the Democrats who are in the hands of the “military-industrial complex” now. Unfortunately, Lindsey Graham won’t shut up and Mitch McConnell is a dishrag. Too much of the Establishment still controls both parties, not just the Democrats. 3. “…driven by cowardly wokeness…” If Americans know what “wokeness” is

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