The bongino report

Voters Say Top Issues Facing Country Are Inflation, Economy, and Immigration

The polls seem to be showing a lot of good things for Republicans right now.

One example of this trend is the new Harvard-Harris poll, which has some fascinating things in it that show why Democrats are going to be in big trouble in the November elections. But even more than the midterms, I think it bodes well for the country; because there are signs that the radical nature of the Democrats is driving more people to the center or the right in this poll, as well.

Most respondents — 57 percent — say their financial situation is worsening. Also, 84 percent disagree with Joe Biden and think we are in a recession right now. Approval of Biden’s management on issues was weak across the board. Meanwhile, GOP approval has risen in the last four months – by four points – to 49 percent; Democrat approval is only at 46 percent. President Donald Trump is the most favored politician.

Political writer Eddie Zipperer hit on some of the highlights of the poll in an illuminating Twitter thread. He noted how the police are the third most highly thought of institution, 24 points ahead of the FBI, 33 ahead of the DOJ, and 84 points higher than Antifa. This would explain why Democrats have been running away from their support of defunding the police. Unfortunately for them, Americans remember who was behind that.

Inflation, the economy, and immigration are the top three issues for voters, in that order. They’re the top issues voters think that the GOP cares about. Meanwhile, voters see Democrats as disconnected on the issues–and the voters think the top three issues Democrats care about aren’t the top issues voters care about.

Most important issues facing the country:
37% Inflation
29% Economy
23% Immigration

What issues do you think GOP is focused on?
37% Immigration
24% Inflation
21% Economy

What issues are Dems focused on?
27% Jan 6
25% Women’s rights
23% Climate Change

— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) October 15, 2022

On top issues facing the country, people said they were more likely to vote for GOP on those issues with inflation (GOP+12), crime (GOP+12), and immigration (GOP+11). They didn’t have the economy in that particular graph of “How will each of the following issues affect your vote in the midterms for Congress.” Crime is the fourth most important issue to voters, according to the poll.

One of the highlights of the poll was this stunner.

OMG! Here’s a number that should wake some Dems up: 64% say that rising crime is “the fault of woke politicians.”

A majority, 52%, of DEMOCRATS say rising crime is “the fault of woke politicians”

— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) October 15, 2022

If 64 percent think the problem is woke politicians and even the majority of Democrats get it, that means Americans are right on top of what’s going on.

Voters are more attracted by the Republican platform that involved law and order, and putting breaks on government spending versus the Democratic platform of subsidized electric cars, subsidized college

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