The bongino report

Police Forces Are At Record Lows in Major Cities As Dems Try to Deny Defunding Police

As Democrats head into an election disavowing their prior claims to “defund the police,” major Democrat-run cities have significantly fewer police than they did a few years ago, a Daily Wire analysis of federal data found.

Cities with populations of 500,000 or more had, combined, 2.54 police per 1,000 residents last year, versus 2.8 in 2016 and 2.75 in 2018, according to data collected from police departments across the country by the FBI. In the year 2000, the rate was 3.31.

Compared to 2018, two years before George Floyd’s killing and a wave of “Black Lives Matter” anti-police activism, New York City, which has the nation’s largest police force at over 35,000 uniformed officers, was down 1,087 officers in 2021, the most recent year for which data was available. The city slashed its budget for that year by $1 billion.

Minneapolis, where Floyd was killed by a police officer now serving a 22-year sentence, has a police department that is down 24% in sworn officers. Los Angeles was down 500, from 10,000 to 9,500 officers.

Seattle, where protesters set up an “autonomous zone” off limits to cops—with police fleeing their own precinct station– saw its police force decline by 248, losing nearly 1 in 5 officers.

The Portland, Oregon, police department was down 15%, leading residents of the famously liberal city to cry on camera as they lamented how gangsters had simply taken over formerly nice residential neighborhoods, even moving into their homes when residents went on vacation.

Decline In Police Force Of Major Cities, 2018-2021






Louisville Metro




















San Francisco








Long Beach


St. Louis


Virginia Beach



The same decline in sworn officers was seen in liberal cities within red states. In Louisville, Kentucky, a Democrat-controlled area where unrest occurred following the police shooting of Breonna Taylor there, the number of officers was down 17%.

Austin, Texas, lost 238 officers, declining from 1,851 to 1,613. Austin officials reduced the police budget by $31.5 million for the 2020-2021 budget year.

“This Budget continues to look at public safety holistically by reducing the planned number of police officers by 100 and reallocating just over $11 million in Police Department funding to other community safety needs including: Additional staffing and resources for the Office of Police Oversight and the Equity Office,” the budget said.

In June 2021, Republican Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill stopping cities from reducing law enforcement funding, forcing Austin to reverse the cut this year.

Even when cities did not decrease police budgets—and some with declining police forces did not–anti-police policies have led to a wave of retirements, resignations, and difficulty recruiting for jobs in which candidates believe they are being set up to fail.

Austin said it created various other demands on police, such as a resolution calling “for zero racial disparity in motor vehicle stops, zero racial disparity in citations and arrests resulting from motor vehicle stops by 2023, zero use-of-force incidents per year by 2023, and zero deaths related to an officer-involved incident by 2023.”

There is a racial disparity in those who commit crime, according to FBI data, so such demands for “equity” could

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