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Allen West: The Morning After November 8th

Allen West: The Morning After November 8th

Let’s move beyond the discussion about what happens on Tuesday, November 8th. It is truly a foregone conclusion as to the results of this impending midterm election. The dead giveaway can be found in the deranged rantings of progressive socialist leftists. 

Watching Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Randi Weingarten, and others go into full meltdown mode is a clear indicator. On “The View,” Sunny Hostin compares suburban women voters to roaches. NBC historian commentator Michael Bechloss asserted that if the GOP wins the midterm elections, we will see our children arrested, and conceivably killed . . . Hmm, it’s the Democrats who want to murder unborn babies in the womb. Heck, we even have Oprah Winfrey coming out to support John Fetterman for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania. Oprah was also the person who referred to Barack Obama as “brilliant.”

There is little need to prognosticate about the election anymore. The point of discussion must be about the morning after November the 8th.

First, let’s consider what type of midterm election debacle this will be for the Democrats. For a comparative analysis, we have two examples: 1994 and 2010. In 1994, Bill Clinton lost both the US House and US Senate. Without a doubt, it was Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America that presented a focused conservative policy agenda that was implemented. Clinton would later go on to profess that “the era of big government is over” in a State of the Union address. He pivoted in his ideological agenda and worked with the GOP House and Senate. Clinton wisely realized that he could take credit for economic positives, like a balanced budget and budget surpluses, which he did. And, of course, Clinton coasted to reelection against Bob Dole. Even Ronald Reagan’s former economic advisor, Art Laffer, voted for Clinton.

The other recent midterm loss for the Democrats was Barack Obama’s first midterm where some 63 congressional seats were lost. It was the greatest midterm defeat post-World War II. Obama did not lose the Senate, where Harry Reid remained as majority leader and therefore did not pivot at all. As a matter of fact, Obama doubled down and instead used government agencies, namely the IRS, to target the constitutional conservative grassroots movement called the Tea Party. Obama would win reelection against Mitt Romney, but he would eventually lose the Senate, as well as experience massive losses in gubernatorial and state-level elected positions.

Joe Biden and the left will not take the former as an example to follow. The proof being the left’s response to their resounding defeat in Virginia just a year ago. There will be more denigration, demonization, and demeaning of the left’s political opposition. Heck, that has already begun. There will be more outlandish comments such as referring to people as roaches, racists, and domestic terrorists. There will be more rhetoric about threats to democracy when that is just a dog whistle that means a threat to the progressive socialist left’s ideological agenda. The leftist media is already teeing up their stories, talking points, and narrative as to how to blame Republicans for everything Joe Biden has done. That has already begun, as, of course, inflation is the GOP’s fault.

If anyone believes that this Democrat Party will conduct a Reince Priebus type of self-assessment and correct itself, they are delusional. The progressive socialist left will never surrender their ideology and their demented lack of coherent reasoning. You must ask yourselves: what kind of folks would believe that John Fetterman possesses the cognitive capacity to be a US senator? Who in the face of such abject failure would not look at themselves and admit, we are wrong? As stated, after the election in Virginia, the left just went right back to the racist line. How absurd, considering that Virginians voted in a black female Lieutenant Governor and Hispanic male Attorney General.

And let’s not put it past the leftists to unleash the real domestic terrorists, Antifa, over the next two years, along with more violence from leftist extremists such as Jane’s Revenge.

How must the GOP respond?

They must not show fear and must deliver on rectifying the problems with our economy, energy, national, border, and domestic security. As well, the GOP must support parental rights and educational freedom and designate school choice as the civil rights issue of this time. The GOP must be proactive and stop reacting to the absurd leftist propaganda media attacks. They must also rein in the profligate spending and hold Biden administration officials constitutionally accountable. But most importantly, the GOP must not allow Biden to do as Obama did, rule by executive order and action.

Lastly, the folks who will potentially be the bigger losers on the morning after November 8th will be pollsters. This is a political class that is struggling with credibility and validity.

Regardless of what happens, we need to make sure we maintain the highest levels of integrity in our electoral process. The confidence of the American people must be restored, and that is the responsibility of all.

Steadfast and Loyal.

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