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‘Fundamentally Changing The Values Of America’: Kirk Cameron Talks Public Libraries Refusing To Host Him For Story Hour Over Faith-Based Children’s Book

Actor Kirk Cameron spoke with The Daily Wire about how public libraries that have hosted “Drag Queen Story Hours” are refusing to host him for readings of his new faith-based children’s book “As You Grow.”

The 52-year-old actor said that “As You Grow,” published by Brave Books, contains messages about “peace, love, joy, and kindness,” and “growing in wisdom through the seasons of life.” He said he made it because the “education of children is of primary importance” with kids under the age of 10 being indoctrinated with things like gender identity and more.

Cameron added that his book is “Pro-God and pro-family and Biblical values.”

When asked why he thought this message was being rejected by public libraries, Cameron said that the “responses from the libraries speak for themselves,” referencing comments from a Fox News article in which the libraries provided excuses such as, “We are a very queer-friendly library,” “Our messaging does not align,” and “Because of how diverse our community is, I don’t know how many people you would get.”


“They basically said that, ‘We [libraries] are very inclusive, we have a community of very inclusive people,’” Cameron shared. “That’s why I was wondering why they are excluding me.”

Brave books said, “All of the libraries that we have contacted [about possible story hours or book programs for Kirk Cameron] have hosted LGBTQ+ story times with drag queens in the past.” The publisher noted that Cameron hadn’t been booked for a “single children’s story hour at a public library in America,” as previously reported, adding that more than 50 public libraries have either outright rejected him or not responded to requests on his behalf.

The “Lifemark” star shared that “these are publicly funded libraries” that aren’t simply refusing to host him and instead having “Drag Queen story hours,” but also hosting “name change clinics” and gender fluidity programs.

“My question is, if you’re so committed to diversity, then why won’t you let me use your facility to read my book in the same way that you let others read their books?” he asked, stating that doing so was “breaking the law and the constitution.”

“You can’t say yes to ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ and then deny me or a pastor or a Sunday school teacher, based on religion that your views don’t line up with, when we’re talking about equal access in a public place,” the “Growing Pains” star continued.

Cameron told The Daily Wire that one of the good things to come out of this was that “every hour, we’re being flooded with emails from parents and librarians who are saying that they want to host their own Brave Book story hour for the part of the public that is being silenced in the public square.”

He then put out a call to “every Sunday school teacher and pastor” to reach out to their local libraries to read their favorite book the same way others have. He said that if “they deny people to do that,” it “shows that this is not about inclusivity and diversity … [this is ] about fundamentally changing the values of America.”

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