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Major Crime Up 22% New York City

Crime It is up New York City though there is some good news we’ll get to in a moment. But Overall, major crimes were up 22% last year.

Mayor Eric AdamsAt a news conference at, he said that he had campaigned on the promise to improve public safety. Police Department The city’s headquarters had made significant progress. He The agency was praised by the public for its efforts to increase gun arrests, and eliminate illegal drugs and guns from the five boroughs.

Still, the mayor said the city must drive down robberies, burglaries and grand larcenies — categories that contributed to the increase in what it defines as major crimes last year, to 126,537 from 103,388 in 2021. The The mayor stated that retail theft and subway safety are his top concerns.

“We know we have more to do,” Mayor AdamsAt the news conference, he spoke out as a former police officer captain. “New Yorkers must be safe based on the stats, and they must feel safe based on what they’re seeing. That is my obligation: to ensure that safety is felt.”

The The good news? The number of shootings has dropped. There There were 433 murders in the last year, which was an 11 percent decrease compared to the year before. But that’s still well above the all time low in 2017 of 292 murders. Shootings They fell even further, by about 17 percent compared 2021. What’s up is everything else, especially robberies and burglaries. Those Two were up 37% during the first three quarters. Things Improvements in the last quarter The Daily Mail has more:

Rape – which rocketed in 2020 when streets were empty and unemployment rife due to unrest caused by the coronavirus – rose by 7 percent, with more than 120 occurring this year than last.

RobberiesDespite recent measures taken by, however, the shocking 20 percent increase in PII was unexpected Adams62 to increase the police presence in the city.

Assaults and theft throughout the city, meanwhile, show a similarly pronounced rise, with felony assaults up 12 percent – 26,039 incidents this year compared to 22,835 seen last year – and burglaries up an alarming 25 percent.

Crime The subway ridership is also up by about 30% despite increased police patrols and significant spending by the city.

…the city’s deployment of thousands of additional police patrols in the transit system and added overtime hours have their limits due to high costs and the toll it takes on cops…

The New York City Police Department It is spending an additional $20million per month on overtime costs in addition to regular levels. This has pushed its overtime spending up to $272 million through November. That’s more than 70% of the annual overtime budget for the fiscal year that ends June 30, according New York City Comptroller Brad Lander’s office.

The As spending rises, so does the price. Adams tries to tamp down on criticism that the city isn’t doing enough to combat crime in the transit system, where ridership has stagnated at 60% of 2019 levels.

Another High concernIlluminated by Mayor Adams It was discovered that a rising percentage of burglaries and robberies are being committed by teenagers.

OutA growing number of out-of control teens are engaging in criminal acts. Big Apple’s robberies, the NYPD revealed on Thursday — as Mayor Eric Adams Warning: Many city kids were heading towards a “career in violence.”

During a briefing on last year’s CompStat numbers, Chief This is Crime Control Strategies Michael Lipetri According to the report, 20% of all robbery arrests in the fourth quarter were made using this method “individuals under the age of 18,” Comparable to 17% for the whole year.

“Under 18, robbing New Yorkers. The statistics are out there,” he said ruefully…

“The violence that’s coming from our young people,” Adams continued. “When you see some of these actions, when you see the total disregard for human life, it is really challenging to just know the impact of what the victims are going through and how these young people are destroying their lives.”

Still, the percentage of teens committing major crimes was lower last year than it was prior to the pandemic so maybe there’s some kind of reverting to the pre-pandemic mean going on.

Politico Reports Al Sharpton convened a group of black leaders last night to discuss the crime situation but the media wasn’t let in on what was discussed.

Black Leaders from all walks New York Government convened Thursday Night at the behest Rev. Al Sharpton To discuss ways to reduce the state’s crime. They It was called it “productive,” but didn’t say what they actually discussed.

The Voters have been focusing on this issue, propelling New York City Mayor Eric Adams to win in 2021. This narrowed the recent gubernatorial contest to just 6 points. It also costing Democrats Numerous House There are seats in the midterms. The evening’s assemblage included politicians with widely divergent viewpoints: Mayor Eric AdamsFor example, he was at odds with Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins And Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie Since arriving in, there have been many changes to bail laws City Hall.

Finally, I’ll close this out with the response of some commenters to the NY Times story. The Top two comments discredit the claim in the story that the murder spike was caused by the pandemic.

The Author attempts to attribute the dramatic rise in murders over three years to the pandemic. WellDespite the fact that the pandemic has ended, the 2022 murder rate is still roughly 50% higher than it was in 2019. And At the height of the pandemic, it was only 7.7% lower than 2020.

Why wasn’t the jump in murders attributed to the rioting in 2020 and loss of respect for others that followed? Or to the subsequent changes in bail and charging policies? The Teens are leading the increase of robberies. They know that there will not be any repercussions for being caught.

The Another point that is often overlooked in this discussion, however, is the fact that the pandemic of violence and lockdowns began months before the actual spike in violence. This happened around the same time people started reacting to it. George Floyd’s murder. AlsoAlthough the pandemic was widespread, the spike in violence was largely concentrated in the United States.

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