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Stephanie Luiz: Anti-Racist? Then Defund Planned Parenthood.

On Every Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Americans remember the civil rights movement’s undeniably positive impact on public life. IncreasinglyWe also remember the work needed to end the racism that persists in this country. Awareness of systemic racism — racial or ethnic discrimination embedded within the laws and regulations of a society — grew exponentially following The 2020 protests responses to George Floyd’s death. 

YetWhile the discussions about systemic racism are ongoing, Americans Both sides of political spectrum still ignore the most recent example of systemic racist behavior: the public funding and regulation of the abortion industry. 

In 2021, Planned Parenthood received More than $633 million in taxpayer funding was received by the organization, accounting for 37% of its total revenue. While Planned Parenthood pretends Abortion is a choice. just 4% of its services, looking at the organization’s internal rhetoric paints a vastly different picture. 

For For example, in 2019, Planned Parenthood fired Former president Dr. Leana Wen After just 8 months due to “philosophical differences.” While Wen Accepted the position  “to run a national health care organization,” The Planned Parenthood’s board wanted “to double down on abortion rights advocacy.” If Planned Parenthood If it was truly a healthcare provider, they would have pivoted towards Wen’s vision, but abortion will always be the organization’s ultimate end. 

While Abortion is inherently problematic as it denies preborns their unalienable right of life. America’s largest abortion vendor, Planned Parenthood, is also the clearest example of the abortion industry’s systemic racism. 

The organization’s founder, Margret Sanger, shepherded American The eugenics movement sought You can find more information at “gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks—those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” 

She Even established her facilities in minority communities to stop the growth of their population. Today, Planned Parenthood continues Target people of color Nearly These abortion centers are within reach of 80%. walking distance Predominantly Latino And Black neighborhoods.  

Racial Disparity doesn’t necessarily signify discrimination. But when it’s paired with how Planned Parenthood’s racist legacy informs the organization’s current strategy for attracting customers, their racism is undeniable. It It’s no accident that 2019 is the year of coincidences Black And Hispanic Women made up Despite only being 12% and 18% respectively, nearly 39% and 21% of US abortions were performed. 

In Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report, they argue They “cannot advance health equity without addressing racism. Structural racism continues to harm Planned Parenthood patients, preventing them from achieving their optimal health outcomes.” What The organization does not clarify is that to them. “optimal health outcomes” This includes the ending of almost 400,000 lives, many of them being people of color.  

While Planned Parenthood may now openly condemn SangerThey have not changed their racist strategies. Planned Parenthood While continuing to insistently deny their obvious intentions, they still employ the same strategies that their founder used in order to achieve them. perverse goal: “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” 

But the abortion industry’s racism is not limited to Planned Parenthood. FundamentallyThe abortion industry is based on the belief that all human beings are equal in value and that some human lives can be lost. No Statements could be more antithetical than true social justice. 

As A first-generation Latina AmericanI am saddened by the destruction that abortion has done to my community. I’m not the only one who recognizes the harm it does to people of color. MLK’s niece, Dr. Alveda King, puts It’s simple: “We can no longer sit idly by and allow this horrible spirit of murder to cut down, yes cut out and cut away our unborn, and destroy the lives of our mothers.” 

SoI implore, if you identify yourself to be anti-racists, consider whether your defense of peoples of color is in line with your political agenda. Stop appropriating our experiences and challenges to justify abortion’s grave evil.  

Systemic racism persists in this country through abortion’s public funding, but to dismantle it, we must first acknowledge the abortion industry’s exploitation of women, particularly women of color. Instead of allowing the abortion industry profit from the abuse of the most vulnerable Black And Brown Organises to fight for racial justice. Defund the abortion industry. Give women the right to choose life. 

Stephanie Luiz Is the New England Regional Coordinator For Students For Life Of America.

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