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Dehydration May Be Linked to 2 Unexpected Diseases

What if you could improve? depression Your risk of being sued is reduced dementia Did you know that drinking more water was as easy as drinking less?

Low blood pressure, high heart rate and headaches are all common causes of dehydration. But it’s also related to these two unexpected diseases.

Researchers believe hydration could be a powerful tool to help our brain be at its best—physically and emotionally.

Water is vital for both the body and brain

An adult can survive for only three days without water. This makes perfect sense given that an adult’s body is between 55 and 60 percent water.

Water is essential for many body functions, including the brain. Brain cells can’t function properly if they aren’t hydrated.

Dehydration Increased neural activity means that the brain works harder to complete a task. Additionally, dehydration Volume can be a result changes in the brain and brain ventricles.

Older people are more likely to experience dehydration. According to reports, between 2% and 3% of older people experience dehydration. 17 and 28 percent of older adults are dehydratedIt is often a reason for hospital admission. The issue can be diagnosed in a study. 8.9 percent of hospitalized patients Over 65

Dehydration can be fatal and cause serious illness.

Dehydration can occur when you don’t drink enough water or lose water through sweat, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and/or sweat. Some medications, such as diuretics, can also cause dehydration by increasing urination—so can caffeine and alcohol consumption.

Getting dehydrated is easier than you’d think. It’s as easy as a 1.5 percent A decrease in bodyweight (e.g. 2.25 pounds for an adult weighing 150 pounds) due to inadequate water consumption or water loss can result in mild dehydration. A lack of adequate water in the body’s cells and blood vessels can cause an assortment of unpleasant symptoms including dizziness, headache, tiredness, dry mouth, and constipation.

Dehydration can cause you to feel dehydrated

Depression is a common condition that isn’t well-known. anxiety associated with dehydration. One study It was found that drinking water has an ininverse relationship with depression. Research showed that those who consumed five to seven glasses of water daily were less likely to experience depression and anxiety. Drinking less than 2 glasses per day could increase your risk of anxiety and depression.

The increase in water intake can be attributed to the potential to improve mood in people who are low-water drinkers—and to lower mood when water consumption is restricted in those who are high-water drinkers. Why is this?

Depression can be linked to low levels serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that has been associated with depression. significant effect on mood and also cognition. The amino acid tryptophan is what creates serotonin. If enough water is not present within the brain, the tryptophan cannot cross the blood-brain barrier—which is “a network of blood vessels and tissue that is made up of closely spaced cells and helps keep harmful substances from reaching the brain,” According to the National Cancer Institute. The brain’s ability to absorb tryptophan can be reduced by dehydration. lowers serotonin levelsThis can lead to depression.

Mindy Millard Stafford studied the effects on dehydration. “Mood clearly is impacted by dehydration [creating greater feelings of fatigue, less vigor],” Millard-Stafford is the director of the Exercise Biology Laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology and holds a doctorate.

It has also been known as dehydration linked to poor sleepAnxiety and depression can be linked to anxiety. Dehydration has also been linked to increased levels of cortisol—a stress hormone—which can lead to feelings of anxiety.

Cognitive performance is lower

Research has shown that even mildly dehydrated individuals can have a negative effect on cognitive performance. A review of studies to date Research has shown that being dehydrated by only 2 percent can reduce the ability to do tasks that require it. “attention, psychomotor, and immediate memory skills.”

Another study The cognitive performance of young healthy men was examined by researchers who looked at mild dehydration. Researchers discovered that mild dehydration (between 1% and 2%) can cause decreased attention and working memory as well as increased anxiety, tension and fatigue.

“The reason we believe this happens is that when a fluid shift occurs in the brain, some of the structures change in size, based on neuroimaging studies,” Millard-Stafford gave an explanation, though he acknowledged that this hypothesis still needs proof.

Dehydration is more common in the elderly than in younger people. Elderly can experience more severe cognitive declines than their younger counterparts. confusion And deliriumThis could lead to a fall.

It doesn’t take much for an elderly person to become dehydrated—a loss of less than 1 percent of body weight due to inadequate water consumption can result in cognitive impairment in this population.

The risk of becoming dehydrated is higher for older people because their bodies have less water due to muscle loss, diuretics, and other causes. lowered ability to recognize when they are thirsty. A dementia-related increase in the likelihood of dehydration can be caused by forgetting to drink, or difficulty communicating the need for a drink.

A more severe form of dehydration may also be possible for an older adult who is already susceptible to it.

“Coupling [chronic dehydration] with any age-related cognitive deficits, this could have a greater risk,” Millard-Stafford said.

Dehydration and Dementia: The Link

Does dehydration cause dementia?

A German study of people between the age of 60 and 89 showed that higher dehydration was associated with a more significant decline in cognitive functioning and well-being over time—confirming that good hydration plays an important role in preserving cognition and well-being as we age.

Another study investigated the connection between dehydration and the risk of dementia—and revealed some worrisome results. More than 1,000 participants aged 65 or older participated in the study. The results showed that people who are dehydrated have a greater risk of developing dementia. Researchers also found that dementia sufferers were at greater risk of becoming dehydrated, which could lead to a vicious circle.

It has been suggested that dementia sufferers may experience cognitive decline faster if they are dehydrated. One study Dehydration could lead to dehydration, as evidenced by the following: “protein misfolding” Protein aggregation is when proteins come together to form aggregate structures. This mechanism can lead to progressive loss of the structure and function of neuronsThis includes the death of neurons, and the decline in cognition in the elderly.

Alarmingly, the following: study that shows that dehydration is associated with developing a type of dementia, like Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia.

Hydrating for a Healthy Mind

Dehydration can lead to a decrease in your ability to function. cognitive performance, depressionProper hydration is important for anxiety and stress.

The following is an extract from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and MedicineMen should drink 3.7 liters (125oz) per day, while women should drink 2.7 liters (91.1 ounces). Keep in mind that about 80 percent of total water intake comes from drinking water and other beverages—the other 20 percent comes from the food we eat.

The total amount fluid needed to stay hydrated may need to be modified These are based on the level of exercise, temperature, hot or dry weather, fever, vomiting and diarrhea, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and gender.

If you feel satisfied with your hydration, it is possible to not feel thirsty or produce colorless or yellow urine.

Although there are many apps that can help you regulate your hydration levels, some may not be necessary. You should drink water before, during, or after each meal.

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Dehydration May Be Linked to 2 Unexpected Diseases

Heather Lightner works as a medical writer at The Epoch Times. She is a registered nurse, and a board-certified case manager.

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