The bongino report

New Biden Program Will Hide Numbers of Illegals Entering Country

If the Biden administration tells you illegal border crossings are down, don’t be fooled. Todd Bensman, a Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), fellow wrote a piece for Newsweek on Jan. 24 explaining how the new CBP One program doesn’t reduce the number of illegal migrants flooding the southern U.S. border; it simply “pre-approves” They are migrants that Customs and Border Protection can claim the number of illegal crossings and arrests is down. As Bensman said, “The illusion would impress Harry Houdini.”

December was the worst month ever CBP reports on the border crisis statistics, but CBP seems eager to assure America on Biden’s behalf that the crisis is improving. “The American public will indeed see sharp declines in the monthly illegal apprehension statistics, starting with the January report which comes out next month,” Bensman said. These declines are not a deliberate deception by the Biden administration. They do not indicate an increase in border security. Illegals will continue to enter America in large numbers. They will be granted a kind of legal status prior to entering the country through CBP One.

For our VIPs: Biden’s Big Lie About Border Security

The CBP One Mobile App was launched Bensman said that the plan was used in a new manner in October 2020. Jan. 5: A new plan identifies the largest migrant group. “up to 360,000 Haitians, Cubans, Venezuelans, and Nicaraguans each year” Apply for the following (and only these groups) “humanitarian parole” CBP One can be used to access the United States from other countries. Mexico, the United Nations, and many other non-governmental organizations (NGOs), help illegal migrants to find a sponsor in America. “plausible” Sob story. They wait and then collect the application documents. Just like that, there are “big reductions” These illegal border crossing numbers continue to rise, but the crossings are still constant. Bensman wrote the following:

“The illusion provides the perfect propaganda opportunity for Biden’s government: fraudulently claim border security success as though foreign nationals had gone home or settled in some other country…

It is hard to believe that the CBP One process does nothing to enforce U.S. immigration laws. This actually discourages mass migration by detaining or deporting. It does not reduce the number of nonstop incoming foreign nationals.

Instead, the program funnels migrants directly to American cities, which will in increasing numbers declare emergency and request federal bailouts to manage the influx. It does nothing to alleviate the transformative impacts of mass migration on civil society.“

Bensman said that the new program would encourage more illegal migrants to America. Henceforth illegals won’t have to spend thousands of dollars being smuggled across the border by criminal cartels, and they will get a coveted U.S. work permit. Already thousands are lined up to get the permit. “pre-legalization” Bensman stated that CBP One is a program. This number is expected to rise.

CBP Commissioner Troy Miller reportedly boasted that the CBP One program announcement caused border crossings of illegal Venezuelan migrants to go from 1,100 a day to 100 a day. The program will, allegedly, allow “only” 30,000 Venezuelans, Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans per month (the fact that that’s meant to be an improvement is terrifying). But that’s all lacking the critical context, which is that the Biden administration plans to claim it fixed the border crisis while continuing to allow illegal aliens to pour into America.

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