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Florida Demands American Academy of Pediatrics Provide Evidence to Justify Their Support of Child Sex Changes

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), has been ordered by the State of Florida With evidence to support it Child sex change Documentation describing the steps taken by the medical association to achieve this position.

As part of the Legal action Four plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against Florida, backed by The AAP This is a plan to overthrow Gov. Ron DeSantis Medicaid funding stopped Child sexchanges

The AAP pledged support for four transgender children who have filed a legal challenge to ban. Now, attention is turning to AAP which must present scientific evidence to support support of so-called “transgender” minors. “gender-affirming care,” The following reports are available: Daily Caller.

Judge Carl J. Nichols directed the AAP to provide information about its total membership, any documentation related to how it establishes new policies and guidelines, as well as any guidelines/policy positions on gender affirming care. He also asked for details on how these guidelines or policies were created. All information must be given to Florida by February 2.

Nichols also ordered that all AAP communications regarding its policies or guidelines on ahref=” be deleted.”>gender-affirming care Provided.

In 2018, the AAP released a statement approving of the ahref=””>affirmative Care model For adolescents and children who identify as being of the opposite gender. This model requires that clinicians immediately affirm a child’s self-declared transgender identity and pushes for early medical intervention. Alternative care models, such as watchful waiting or psychotherapeutic support, are considered obsolete and may even lead to conversion therapy.

In 2019, Canadian sexologist James Cantor was so alarmed by the AAP’s position statement that he published a A scathing rebuttal He discredited it point by point. In which he claimed that “AAP told neither the truth nor the whole truth, committing sins of commission and omission, asserting claims easily falsified by anyone caring to do any fact-checking at all.”

Cantor was aware of the potential malpractice lawsuits that would result from the position statement that an activist-led subcommittee had written and so he wrote his paper so that it could be used before a judge. 

“AAP is advocating for something far in excess of mainstream practice and medical consensus. Problems do not constitute merely a misquote, a misinterpretation of an ambiguous statement, or a missing sentence or two. Rather, the AAP statement is a systematic exclusion and misrepresentation of entire literatures. Not only did AAP fail to provide extraordinary evidence, it failed to provide evidence at all. Indeed, AAP’s recommendations are despite the existing evidence,” Cantor concluded.

Five members of the AAP were killed last year.”>submitted A resolution I requested that the professional association conduct a thorough, systematic review to determine the evidence for gender-affirming healthcare. However, the AAP adopted an unusual rule prohibiting members from supporting the resolution and contributing to the discussion. 

Genspect, an advocacy group that advocates for evidence-based treatment for youth with gender distress, was led to accuse AAP of “preemptively suppressing debate by not allowing comments.”

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