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AJ Rice: America’s Idi Amin: The Last King of Clyburn

He helped Joe Biden win in South Carolina the 2020 primary, and now he is his fiefdom’s junta Gets to be the first In the Democratic nomination process in 2024.

Joe helped Joe, Joe helped Joe, and Joe said, “You’re welcome.”

Americans are getting poorer by runningaway, historic inflation. Chaos at the border, and an overwhelmed Border Patrol. A deadly fentanyl epidemic killing 9-11’s worth of Americans every single day. A nuclear-armed Europe could see a violent war. China threatens to unleash its military against our Asian allies. North Korea launches missiles and increases its nuclear arsenal. While the world is moving towards disaster, a weak president can sometimes barely finish sentences and often doesn’t know where he’s at all. The military is increasingly hostile to the values and beliefs of every American. 

All of this is at the feet one man. He is a divisive and anti-election hyper-partisan. He dumped nuclear waste in his own state

Joe Biden lost the 2020 Democratic presidential primary election. Trump was cruising to reelection in the face of an unsavory Democrat field. COVID came along. The confirmed plagiarist and partisan hack from Delaware was floundering against ridiculously weak opposition despite having spent a lifetime in the Senate and two terms as Obama’s vice president. Obama himself sat at the sidelines as his veep fell in the polls. ominous quote Joe is a f-ing thing up that haunts the campaign. James Clyburn from South Carolina, liberalism’s military officer, was called in to the fray. His endorsement changed everything and catapulted clownish Biden to the top of the pack just in time. Clyburn essentially foisted the woke, incompetent, buffoon President Biden on an unsuspecting nation. 

He insisted that Biden’s vice-presidential pick be based on two criteria. Sex and skin color. Biden was forced to pick a black woman by him, based on her leadership qualities and experience. That’s how we got the wildly terrible Vice President Kamala Harris.

Clyburn’s history of opposing Americans’ rights to question DemocratsThey oppose our right to self-defense lying about his party’s wish to defund police It is not a joke to trash elections or undermine America to the benefit of his political party. 

It’s all the rage now to ostracize so-called election deniers, since doing so benefits Democrats and silences their opponents, but Rep. Clyburn was an election denier before anyone had coined the term. Clyburn did everything possible to undermine the election, and then undermine Al Gore’s legal victory. This was in 2000. As the Bush campaign fought to have every vote counted, while the Gore campaign insisted on biased and selective recounts, it was weeks before the final vote was cast. Clyburn took the initiative and stated what Bush wanted was illegal and he shouldn’t even be in the race at all. After all the votes had been counted, Bush did this!

Clyburn and Gore were not supported by the courts. They insisted that recounts be fair and based upon the law as it was before the election. The courts also rejected Gore’s argument. Bush won. Gore left to Spread disinformation about the polar ice cap 2013 was the year of the end, building on previous false predictions. New York City’s west side would be underwater by now. If you can’t smell it, he’s just as brilliant as Joe.

Clyburn and Democrats have continued to promote their false climate prophecies, in which they push the American people into a disastrous economic, anti-liberty, and political system. Clyburn, the Dem pack’s #3 in the House and kingmaker to President Obama, is currently leading the charge. He has also championed the disinformation-named Inflation Reduction Act which does nothing to lower inflation and all of its associated costs. Americans! He will put his constituents’ good lives in jeopardy. 

Clyburn has been arguing, more recently, that Clyburn should be fired. America is slowly becoming Nazi Germany. The analogy he made – a government allowing no opposition and controlling the media – might have made a little sense, but he was slamming so-called election deniers (remember, he’s been one himself for decades when Democrats lose) and ignoring the reality that at the time he said it, the Democrats controlled the White House and Congress and without question dominate the media and were using social media to crush all dissent. Clyburn has himself fought to silence opposition via the disinformation-named Fairness Doctrine. He hates the First Amendment and doesn’t care who knows it. “I myself consider myself the most powerful figure in the world,” said Idi Amin, Ugandan dictator and penultimate Clyburn clone. 

This is the core problem with today’s Democrats, including Rep. Clyburn. With massive media assists, they present an image of being for the little guy, the farmer that Clyburn often cites in his speeches, the plucky American who’s just trying to get by, the Black American trying to build a business and community. Clyburn makes life difficult by doing everything he can. He leads the march in Congress for higher taxes, for lawless cities, for destroying the First and Second Amendments, for shackling America to international institutions dominated by demagogues and dictators, and ultimately for crushing what’s left of the American dream for everyone. 

Biden was the South Carolina kingmaker that gave it all. Your dollars are worth less, you’re paying more just to flip the lights on, and your country is weaker with war threatening the world because a Gerrymandered lifetime politician who hasn’t seen a real job since the 1990s endorsed a hapless hack whose last original thought was sometime before the Raid on Entebbe.

A.J. Rice, is President & CEO of Publius PR, Editor-in-Chief of Publius National Post, and author of the #1 Amazon bestseller, The Woking Dead: How society’s Vogue Virus Destroys Culture.


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