The bongino report

Ben Shapiro: Young Americans Are Losing Their Minds. The Social Left Is to Blame.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released data this week that showed that the nation’s young girls are experiencing extreme emotional and mental crises. The CDC reports that 57% of high-school girls reported feeling depressed by 2021, compared to 36% in 2011, and 30% stated they considered suicide, compared to 19% in 2011. These numbers have also increased for high school girls: 29% of high schools boys reported depression in 2011, compared with 21% in 2011. 30% of high school girls said they had considered suicide, compared with 19% in 2011.

Our nation’s pseudoscientific scientists blame society for their intolerant attitudes and lack of sexual sensibility. It’s not surprising that so many children are now identifying as members of nonexistent identities (Demisexuals). Gender nonbinary!), mistakenly self-diagnosing with Tourette’s syndrome or gender dysphoria, and claiming victimhood at the hands of a cruel society — a society that rewards and cheers all such claims. Never mind that we’ve now undergone a gender revolution in which we’ve declared biological sex itself passe, treated heterosexual norms as taboo and misogynistic and attempted to wipe away — along with actual sexual predation — much normal behavior in the name of #MeToo.

No, says the CDC, the problem — as always — is with society’s demands. According to The Wall Street Journal, the CDC recommends “teaching kids about sexual consent, managing emotions, and asking for what they need”; furthermore, “Schools should encourage gender and sexuality alliances, provide safe spaces and people for LGBTQ+ students to go to for support, and ensure enforcement of antiharassment policies.”

Yes, five decades of social Leftism has resulted in two generations that are unmoored from their mental health.

Or, alternatively, any society that attempts to destroy all rules, roles and intermediate institutions laden with traditional values will end up abandoning its children — all in the name of tolerance and diversity. Young men have been stripped of their sense of meaning. We’ve told them they don’t need to be protectors, providers or defenders and that even trying to do so is a sign of bigotry. Young men are instead told they should relegate themselves the role of “male feminists,” Condemning them “toxic masculinity” While refusing to accept the obligations that make boys men.

Young women have been deprived of their sense of purpose, place and time. We told them they don’t need to find a husband or prepare to raise children. Instead, we have told them to run from their biology and declare themselves boys instead of girls. We also advised them to delay childbearing for as long as they want.

Because children don’t belong at the top in our civilizational hierarchy, the interests of adults do. Adults in the West increasingly see children as a burden, and avoid them; or as validators for their subjective self-identity. This requires indoctrination to more liberal forms social organization.

Children are now paying the price.

Since decades, the social Left controls virtually all aspects of culture policy. To alleviate the effects of the chaos they created, they now want more control. The solution is the exact opposite. It requires the reinvigoration and re-inculcation morality and responsibility, as well as the revival of traditional wisdom and values. Our society’s failure to quickly reverse its course will have catastrophic consequences for our young people.

Ben Shapiro (38), is a Harvard Law School graduate and host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Daily Wire+, and co-founder. He is a New York Times bestselling author three times. His latest book, The Authoritarian Moment is How the Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent. You can learn more about Ben Shapiro or read cartoons by other Creators Syndicate writers at

Photo credit: WOKANDAPIX Pixabay

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