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‘Alpha-Karen With Brown Skin’: MSNBC Guest Ratchets Up The Racism To Insult Nikki Haley

MSNBC guest Wajahat Ali escalated the racism to attack Nikki Haley (the daughter of Indian immigrants) on Sunday night. She claimed that she was using her as a weapon. “brown skin to launder white supremacist talking points.”

Ali responded to Haley’s question campaign launch — she announced last week that she planned to seek the Republican presidential nomination in 2024 — and he joined MSNBC anchor Mehdi Hasan to discuss the latest developments.


“I see her and I feel sad because she uses her brown skin to launder white supremacist talking points,” @WajahatAli Tells you a href=””>@MehdiRHasan About Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign strategy and why it fails.

— The Mehdi Hasan Show (@MehdiHasanShow) February 20, 2023

“To quote Zora Neale Hurston, ‘not all skin-folk are kinfolk.’ Nikki Haley instead is the Dinesh D’Souza of Candace Owens. She’s the alpha-Karen with brown skin. And for white supremacists and racists, she is a perfect Manchurian candidate,” Ali started, and his comments became more racially charged.

“I’m just disgusted by people like Nikki Haley who know better,” Ali continued, suggesting — like “The View” host Sunny Hostin did — that Haley only really embraced her ethnicity when it would benefit her politically.

“What does she do? Like all these model minorities, which by the way, is the strategy of white supremacy — to use Asians in particular — as a cudgel against black folks,” Ali continued to pursue the claim that Haley was part a coordinated effort of racists and white supremacists in order to continue to oppress blacks.

“Instead of pulling us up from the bootstraps, and pulling others from the bootstrap, we’re told to take our boot and put it on the neck of poor browns, immigrants, refugees, and black folks. That’s what she did in her ad. I see her, and I feel sad because she uses her brown skin as a weapon against poor black folks and poor brown folks, and she uses her brown skin to launder white supremacist talking points,” He said so.

“It will never be enough. They will never love her,” Ali concluded.

Haley, responding to a series of insults Monday, told Martha MacCallum at Fox News that she was “unfazed” It is all. It is worth recalling that Gilda Cobb Hunt (D-SC), was once the State Representative. Referred to as her As a minority but as a majority “nice conservative woman with a tan,” Haley was resolute in her defense of critics who could not think of anything more substantial than her ethnicity or age to attack.


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