The federalist

Michael Knowles Is Right. Transgenderism Needs To Be Eradicated

Michael Knowles from the Daily Wire was allegedly libelous by the corporate media over the weekend. They claimed he had called for the genocide of transgender people when they omitted four crucial words in his speech from their coverage.

This is exactly what Knowles stated during Saturday’s CPAC speech: “For the good of society and especially for the good of the poor people who have fallen prey to this confusion, transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely — the whole preposterous ideology — at every level.” 

That last bit — “the whole preposterous ideology” — was maliciously left out by the corrupt corporate press body text, which enabled them to run incorrectly headlinesYou can find them at “CPAC speaker sparks alarm with call for trans people to be ‘eradicated.'”

Knowles has never stated that he would like to “eradicate” trans people. Knowles is not alone in fighting transphobia. compassion Gender dysphoria sufferers should be provided with the support, love and spiritual care that they need in order to have sex with their natural sex. 

You want to eliminate the ideology Knowles calls for the recognition of transgenderism and a reckoning with a transgender community, created by medical professionals and radical gender activists. profiteer The chemical castration of mentally ill patients and their mutilation must be stopped. 

Knowles, in fact, is practicing radical love. She recognizes the most vulnerable victims of transgenderism and calls for their liberation. exploitative, morally bankrupt trans movement.

Gender dysphoria has a deep association with traumas past. As Federalist author Walt Heyer writesPeople who are suffering from “Adverse Childhood Experiences” Are “being led to slaughter. They are coping the best they can with feelings they can’t understand. They seek help from trained ‘gender professionals’ whose sole purpose is to diagnose gender dysphoria and catapult them into the only permitted course of treatment: cross-sex hormones and surgeries.”

Transsurgical victims are reported to be mutilated without A psychanalysis from them “doctors,” Post-op frequently suffer from Disfigurement, neuro damage, inner hair growth and sexual dysfunction are just a few of the side effects.

The most horrific youth victims of trans ideology is perhaps those who are young. Minors receive cross-sex hormones. associated with severe joint pain, osteoporosisA compromised immune system thrombosisheart attack, strokeInfertility, and. Gender dysphoric individuals are permanently damaged before they are able to legally drive, drink or buy scratch-off tickets, go on a date, or even have their brains fully develop and enter puberty. They can change their mind (which is possible). mosYou will find it eventually). often It is impossible to undo the damage already done.

Gender-confused individuals are often plagued by psychological problems that go beyond hormones or surgery. This is why their suicide rates, depression and self-harm rate so high. One study More than 50% of respondents were satisfied with their purchase. “trans and non-binary youth” In the U.S., suicide was considered in 2022.

Ironically, this is even more Leftists who actively eradicate gender dysphoric individuals’ offspring. Millions of people with gender problems are infertile every year through chemical or surgical sterilization. This is the problem with “gender-affirming care” Similar to Canada’s Problematic plan for administering state-sponsored executions of depressed persons; the ethos behind both assisted suicide and the push for state-sponsored executions “gender-affirming care” They fail to recognize or address mental illness. The only thing that hormones and surgeries do is to perform mass, eugenic-like sterilization of a large portion of the population.

Transgender ideology can also impact women, who have been reduced to an identity of a costume. Women athletes losing scholarships and competing in athletic events to males. Female athletes even have been seriously harmed These are the bigger, stronger and more powerful male competitors. Girls in school have always been sexually assaulted By male students allowed by wake school boards to use female toilets. Female prisoners are also given birth control Cross-dressing male prisoners can prevent you from getting pregnant.

Transgender ideology is dangerous to women, children, and gender dysphoric individuals. It is a cancerous ideology that destroys the minds and bodies of people and, undoubtedly, it can also cause irreparable damage to our society. Michael Knowles was absolutely right. It must be eliminated.

Evita Duffy-Alfonso works as a staff writer at The Federalist. She is also the founder of Chicago Thinker. She enjoys the Midwest and lumberjack activities, as well as writing and spending time with her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at [email protected].

“From Michael Knowles Is Right. Transgenderism Needs To Be Eradicated

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