The federalist

Former Segregationist Bestie Joe Biden Has Thoughts On Race Relations

Joe Biden participated in a commemoration of the 58th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday In Selma (Alabama) depicted Republicans can be described as segregationists today, but they claim to be part of the civil right movement. “I was a student up north in the civil rights movement,” According to the president “I remember feeling how guilty I was; I wasn’t here. How could we all be up there, and you going through what you went through.”

It never took place. The same as Biden never He was a participant in all marches, sit-ins, or boycotts. never He was arrested for trying to march alongside Mandela, and just like he never In the 1960s, he represented all Black Panthers. Joe Biden has been more open and forthright about lying about his private history than any president. This is not stolen valor. It’s the ingenious muttering of an old man. This has been his tradition. modus operandi.

James Freeman, The Wall Street Journal right It is shameful that Biden compares 2023 Republicans with 1965 Democrats for obvious reasons. It is especially disgusting for President Biden to paint his political adversaries as Bull Connors. He He was the one to thank. embraced Separation without ever acknowledging his past behaviour.

There is no one who can’t see the world from his or her viewpoint. The man who is able to see the bigger picture, however, will be the one that makes it happen. said He didn’t wish his children to be raised in an environment like he was. “racial jungle” in a debate over busing — you remember Kamala Harris’ “I was that little girl” moment — is also The man who boasted J. William Fulbright was a friend and mentor to Herman Talmadge and James O. Eastland, particularly James O. Eastland. Biden was the one who did it. praised By comparing Sen. John Stennis to the racist zealot Senator John Stennis Stonewall Jackson. Strom Thurmond was an American Biden confidant He was a child before the internet. “moved to the good side.”

Only a few short years later, he claimed that his heart was still in Selma during his first campaign. told A group he was honored with “one of the outstanding young politicians of America” By the famous Alabama Governor. George Wallace — the man who instructed Police “to use whatever measures are necessary to prevent” That march was in 1965.

He also lies about the award,

Biden boasted in the 1970s about the relationships he had with segregationists looking to support him, instead of lying about being part of the civil right movement. Biden, even though his 1988 disastrous presidential campaign was a disaster, seemed to be still attractive (possibly joke) to Southerners. telling them Delawareans are “on the South’s side in the Civil War.” In 2006, Biden was telling South Carolinians that he came from a will-be “slave state.”

Imagine Ron DeSantis making such an absurd joke. Or Nikki Haley or Mitt Romney? Biden doesn’t support slavery, but I doubt it. Biden is a small, vain, uncharitable and unprincipled man that will do anything to get a vote. This is enough.

Biden claims that Republicans want to stop schools from teaching black history. It is also a fabrication. DeSantis’ rejection of the College Board’s “advanced African American Studies” He rejected all things identitarian. Marxist teachings that are to American history what Biden’s speeches are to his own life story — a string of revisions and fictions that exist to further contemporary political goals. Nobody wants to prevent anyone from studying black history.

Biden once again believed his long-held claim that Republicans had passed an election. “wave” This is “anti-voting laws” And that’s it! “conservative” Supreme Court “gutted the Voting Rights Act over the years.” Voter suppression claims are flexible, transparent, open to interpretation, ever-evolving, and endlessly evolving. This smear exists in order to prevent Democrats from admitting defeat fairly. It is designed to undermine trust, foster dependence and poison race relations. It’s working.

If we accept the Democratic standards as the only way for fair democracy elections, then we must also admit that the United States has not had a legitimate election in its history. What is the point of that? Many races have been won by Democrats under the laws that they claim to be authoritarian. These are the laws that gave rise to Social Security, Obamacare and Voting Rights Act.

The fact is that it is easier to vote now than ever before — and it’s not particularly close. Every citizen in the Union, regardless of race or ethnicity, can obtain an identification card, request a ballot by mail, or cast a vote. Most states have a “Republican” system. seeing Record-breaking American voters have voted. Biden still treats minorities as intellectually inferior and incapable.

Let’s face it: Maybe he still has the same attitude.

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist, a nationally syndicated columnist, a Happy Warrior columnist at National Review, and author of five books—the most recent, Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent. His appearances include Fox News, C-SPAN and CNN. He also appears on MSNBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR. Follow him on Twitter. @davidharsanyi.

“From Former Segregationist Bestie Joe Biden Has Thoughts On Race Relations

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