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Americans’ IQ Declining for First Time in Almost a Century, Study Finds

School districts dumbing curriculum standards, report authors claim

A new study has shown that Americans have a declining average intelligence. It is the first decline since nearly a century. The finding was revealed by a survey of 2,000 Americans.

The age range of young Americans is 18 to 22 saw the biggest decline A new psychology journal study has revealed that IQ is up in terms of IQ. Intelligence and reported on by Campus Reform. According to the study, these IQ drops between 2006-2018 could be attributable to low quality education.

These findings may indicate “that either the caliber of education has decreased across this study’s sample and/or that there has been a shift in the perceived value of certain cognitive skills,” According to the report.

This study is being done in schools across the country. eliminate Honors curriculum in high schools is being removed for the sake of racial equality. Los Angeles’ Culver City Schools District was hit with backlash by parents of honors student who were denied the opportunity to enroll in accelerated courses.

“It’s not working and we’ve thrown the baby out with the bathwater,” One parent from Culver City said so.

Also, universities have lowered their standards Admission is now possible at Columbia University and University of California Berkeley.

Harvard Asian discrimination suit against Harvard plaintiffs claim biases that result from subjective criteria like “likability” Objective measures, such as scores on exams, could help to eliminate this problem.

“From Americans’ IQ Declining for First Time in Almost a Century, Study Finds

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