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Poll: Most Americans Want Schools To Inform Parents When Students Change Gender Identity

House Republicans Push Bill Requiring Parental Permission for Transitions

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According to recent polling data from Parents Defending Education, 71% of voters believe schools should be required to inform parents when their child wants to change their gender identity at school; a finding that supports Republican efforts to give parents a greater say in their children’s education. The polling data also shows that 75% of voters would support legislation requiring schools to receive parental consent before aiding in a child’s transition to a different gender identity.

Parents Defending Education president, Nicole Neily, says, “Education officials at the local, state, and federal level have demonstrated a callous disregard for parental rights, highlighting the need for both courts and policymakers to act, in order to end this egregious overreach.”

These findings come as House Republicans prepare to vote on the Parents Bill of Rights Act. This bill requires schools to inform parents of their child’s education, provide public access to curriculums, and receive parental consent before changing a minor child’s gender markers on school forms, or allowing gender-based accommodations, including bathrooms and locker rooms. Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) accuses education officials denying frustrated parents the opportunity to voice their concerns for two years.

Democrats are resisting the bill. Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (Oregon) calls it “unproductive” and “burdensome.” She introduced a different bill that prioritizes “inclusive” public education.

Aside from the bill, the House Judiciary Committee is investigating the Judiciary Department and Department of Education for what Republicans call “targeting” parents demanding transparency and answers regarding their children’s education at school board meetings.

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