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‘LGB Without The T’: Why Some Are Saying Trans-Rights Activists Have Crossed The Line

The LGBTQ community appears to be on the brink of a schism as trans-rights activists push harder and harder to blur the lines defining sex and single-sex spaces — often disproportionately encroaching on spaces meant to be limited to only women.

There are certainly some cases involving trans men, particularly with regard to alleged discrimination in health care when a woman who identifies as a man goes through pregnancy, but the vast majority of the activism comes from trans-identifying men demanding access to spaces that are traditionally for females only.

The advocacy itself stretches across many fronts — from women’s sports to women’s shelters to women’s prisons, hitting up every rest stop restroom in between — and has forced its way onto college campuses, into high schools and middle schools, and even into elementary schools.

The stated goal is equality or equal access, but the end result is that a growing number of titles and achievements that were previously only open to women are being quickly taken up by biological males:

  • A 6’1″ fully intact biological male — who was allowed to walk freely among biological women as they stripped and changed into their bathing suits — is now an NCAA swimming champion.
  • A female cyclist, after years and years of difficult training, quit the sport she loved because she was being forced into unfair competition with biological males.
  • A male assistant secretary of Health and Human Services earned the distinction of “Woman of the Year.”

And while there are certainly a number of women who feel slighted and, in fact, cheated by the increasingly common male intrusions into what should have been their crowning moments, there are other instances in which having female-only spaces is more about physical security and emotional well-being than about simply missing out on a trophy or award.

In women’s prisons, for example, inmates are literally kept under lock and key. Allowing biological males into that environment puts those women at risk. While advocates again state that the goal is equality and acceptance, the number of male sexual predators who suddenly begin to identify as female when prison time is in the cards suggests that to them, it is more about easy access to helpless victims.

Women’s shelters – particularly shelters for women who are escaping the threat of domestic abuse – fall into the same category, as women seeking assistance in such shelters may not feel safe if the doors are also opened to intact biological males.

Regardless, unfettered access to these things and more is what the trans activist community demands — and anyone who objects to or even questions the orthodoxy is quickly labeled a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) or a transphobe. Despite that, more and more of the objections are coming from within the LGB community itself.

The main argument, from those who say that LGB should be viewed as a wholly separate entity, is that their community is based on sexuality or sexual preferences. The TQ community, they argue, is rooted in gender identity and even in radical gender ideology — and their insistence that identity is more important than biology has led to increasing objections.

The trans activist community has also become increasingly hostile to gay men who choose not to date women who identify as men and to lesbian women who say they are not attracted to men who identify as women, arguing that their personal preferences are rooted in transphobia — and some of them have begun to push back.

This trans-identified female believes us gay men need to ‘unpack’ why we aren’t into females. This is a minute and a half of sexual entitlement and #WokeHomophobia! #DropTheT #LGBWithoutTheT #LGBWithoutTheTQ,” one tweet from Rob (@redpilledhomo) read.

We AREN’T part of the same community! Us LGBs have been force-teamed with the TQ+ who have been colonizing our spaces, calling us bigots when we won’t sleep with them, and trans-washing our history. We’re just defending our own. #LGBWithoutTheT,” Rob added.

This one wants to “kick the shit out of” gay men who won’t validate the gender delusions of straight women LARPing as us. This is violent #WokeHomophobia! #DropTheT #LGBWithoutTheT #LGBWithoutTheTQ,” Rob said.

Others said that they drew the line when trans activists began advocating for younger and younger children to be given access to puberty blockers, aided in social transitions, and even given access to “gender-affirming” surgical interventions – many of which cannot be reversed if the person’s gender identity later changes again.

“Gays Against Groomers is a coalition of gay people who oppose the recent trend of indoctrinating and sexualizing children under the guise of ‘LGBTQIA+’,” Gays Against Groomers tweeted.

“The first time you’re called ‘transphobic’ it’s horrible because you know you don’t hate anyone. So you research what it all means & you find out what is really going on. As soon as you’re educated, you couldn’t care less if you’re called transphobic. The alternative is horrific,” Sall Grover tweeted.

“Children emulate their heroes. What happens when their heroes are now gay, trans and non-binary? Hmm. Y’all think this is just about representation still? It’s not. It’s an agenda. Period,” the group added.

They also shared the story of a child — one of many who has been encouraged by a teacher to adopt a new gender identity and hide it from parents — who was nearly driven to suicide as a result.

“New York teacher ‘manipulated’ fifth-grade student into changing gender without parents’ consent — which drove her to consider suicide. Gender ideologue teachers are actively harming our children,” the tweet read.

How far will it go? How far is too far? Has the “TQ+” community already crossed that line? Only time will tell.

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