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Russian TV ridicules Biden in manipulated video, a troubling omen for the US.

International Tensions Rise as Russian TV Mocks Biden in Artificially-Created Video

As international tensions rise to levels not seen in decades, one of America’s chief adversaries has released a video that should concern all Americans.

On Thursday, journalist Patrick Henningsen took to Twitter to share a video circulated by Russian media outlet Russia Today (RT) mocking what Moscow perceives to be the ineptness of Western leaders when it comes to responding to Russian aggression.

The video showed AI-generated footage of President Joe Biden and several of his European counterparts frustrated by the ineffectiveness of existing sanctions against Russia using rather silly means of trying to figure out what to do.

For instance, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak spins a carnival wheel to decide which Russian official to sanction next, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen throws darts at a map to decide where to ban RT next, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz turns to ChatGPT to decide what sanctions should be implemented next.

But what is most concerning about this video is the way it portrays Biden.

The video started with Biden banging his head against the wall of the Oval Office mindlessly muttering, “better, stronger, and effective” while trying to figure out how to deal with Russia. Later, the video showed him lying on the floor saying, “I’m so tired.”

Needless to say, this is a pretty bad look for Biden.

The fact of the matter is, this is how the world perceives Biden’s abilities to handle the presidency, and the scary part is, this video is not widely inaccurate in its characterization of Biden.

Biden is known the world over for stumbling over his words during speeches, making embarrassing gaffes, and his long, rambling bizarre personal stories of questionable veracity.

American conservatives have given been on Biden’s case about this, but the foreign news media has been no less merciless in their treatment of Biden’s gaffes.

The point is, were it not for the Disclaimer at the bottom saying that the video was created with artificial intelligence, one could be forgiven that this was actual footage of Biden in the Oval Office.

In fact, one person on Twitter said the only problem with the video was that Biden was “too coherent” for it to be real.

Simply put, Biden is a laughing stock both at home and abroad. Other leaders may be roasted in the video, but Biden comes out looking the worst, portrayed as a weak old man lying defeated on the floor of the White House.

More than ever, as tensions escalate with not only Russia but China as well, we need a strong leader who can stand up to our enemies. This video proves that our enemies don’t see Biden as a leader worthy of serious regard.

If this is how the Russians see Biden, then the United States is in deep trouble.

The post Russian TV Mocks Biden in Artificially-Created Video, And It’s Not a Good Sign for the US appeared first on The Western Journal.

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