AMA now claims doctor’s tool is racist.

The Woke American Medical Association Wants to Abolish a Standard Measuring Tool

The “woke” American Medical Association is calling for the elimination of a long-standing tool used by Americans to determine if they are at a healthy weight. The largest group of physicians argues that the body mass index (BMI) is rooted in racism and should be replaced with an alternative.

For over two centuries, people worldwide have relied on the BMI to assess whether they are under or overweight. By considering an individual’s height and weight, the BMI assigns a score that serves as a starting point for a healthier life.

Traditionally, a healthy weight falls between 18.5 and 24.9 on the BMI scale, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Scores below 18.5 indicate underweight, while scores between 25 and 29.9 suggest overweight. A score of 30 or higher signifies obesity.

However, the BMI has its limitations, as it fails to account for certain factors that may be significant on an individual basis. For instance, someone with a high amount of muscle mass and minimal body fat, like a tall, muscular man, may be classified as obese according to the BMI, despite being healthy.

Despite these exceptions, the BMI remains the standard tool for assessing weight and helping individuals achieve a healthier lifestyle. The AMA, however, claims that the BMI is irredeemably racist and should be replaced.

“[The] issues with using body mass index (BMI) as a measurement because: (a) of the eugenics behind the history of BMI, (b) of the use of BMI for racist exclusion, and (c) BMI cutoffs are based on the imagined ideal Caucasian and does not consider a person’s gender or ethnicity,” the group said.

The AMA suggests considering other factors, such as relative fat mass and waist circumference, to provide a more accurate assessment of health and wellness. However, it is essential to have open discussions about health with a physician.

While the AMA raises valid points about the limitations of the BMI, their credibility is undermined by their initial claim that the tool is a product of “racist exclusion.” This obsession with skin color and left-wing ideologies has eroded trust in medical professionals.

It is crucial to recognize that institutions, including the AMA, have been infiltrated by woke activists who prioritize divisive politics over objective healthcare. Instead of gaslighting individuals into believing their weight is incorrect, it is more helpful to use the BMI as a starting point for a healthier lifestyle.

Ultimately, the goal should be to promote overall well-being and not let political agendas overshadow the importance of individual health.

Source: The Western Journal

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