Washington Examiner

Donald Trump touts entertainment influence and lauds achievements in Eric Bolling interview.

Former President Donald Trump: Media and Entertainment Kingmaker

In a recent interview with Newsmax’s Eric Bolling, former President Donald Trump showcased his prowess as a media and entertainment kingmaker while highlighting his own accomplishments. He delved into familiar arguments about his superiority as a presidential candidate and launched fresh attacks against his opponents, offering his unique perspective on current events.

Unleashing on President Joe Biden

Trump wasted no time in launching a scathing attack on President Joe Biden and his administration, labeling it as the most corrupt in the history of the country. “Look, it’s the most corrupt administration in the history of this country. There’s never been anything like it. Millions and millions of dollars are paid to the family and Joe, and it’s a disgrace,” Trump passionately declared.

He commended Newsmax for their coverage of the legal scandal surrounding the Biden family, while criticizing other media outlets such as ABC, NBC, and CBS News for allegedly ignoring the situation.

Questioning Biden’s Fitness

Trump also raised concerns about President Joe Biden’s mental and physical fitness. When asked if he believed he would face Biden in the 2024 election, Trump responded, “I really can’t tell you, that’s really the question; will he make it to the starting gate? Obviously, he’s got some problems, some very big problems; physically, mentally. I don’t know. I mean, you tell me, is he going to make it to the starting gate, but… you know, they’ll come up with somebody. The Democrats don’t want to put him up for debate, as I guess, they’re afraid he’ll look weaker. I just don’t think that they’ll allow him to debate anybody. I mean, you could put up a child.”

Respect for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Amidst the political discourse, Trump took a moment to express his respect for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “I will say, RFJ Jr., I’ve known, not very well, but I’ve known for a while, and I respect him. A lot of people respect him. He’s got some very important points to be made,” Trump acknowledged. “That says a lot for somebody that came in with absolutely no chance of winning.”

Avoiding Conspiracy Theories

Notably, the former president steered clear of indulging in conspiracy theories involving the Biden administration and the media. When asked if he believed the search for the Titan sub was meant to distract from Hunter Biden’s legal problems, Trump redirected the conversation, stating, “Well, no, I don’t know, I don’t get into that. I will tell you that the submarine is a separate issue. That’s a horrible thing, that’s a horrible way to go, but I can tell you that with or without the submarine, it doesn’t matter in terms of what’s going on with our country.”

Reflecting on Previous Interviews

Trump also took the opportunity to reflect on his previous interview with Fox News’ Brett Baier, expressing his disappointment with the lack of friendliness. “I thought it was fine, I thought it was OK, but there was nothing friendly about it. It was nasty, and I thought I did a good job,” Trump lamented. “Everything was unfriendly… no smiling, no ‘Let’s have fun, let’s make America great again.’ Everything was like a hit.”

Praising Truth Social

When asked if he would return to Twitter, Trump instead praised his own social media outlet, Truth Social. “Well, you know, Truth has been incredibly successful,” he proudly declared. “I have it, it’s mine, it’s beautiful, it works. People are going and flocking to it. I am getting the word out. I mean, I’m really getting the word out.”

Trump confidently stated that Twitter would struggle to succeed as long as Truth Social exists, emphasizing that he alone has the power to determine the success of the social media platform. “I don’t think that Twitter is going to be successful if Truth is around. Truth is a tremendous platform, and everybody that listens to Trump is listening to Truth; that’s what they want, and they want it because it’s me,” he asserted. “I’m not saying this in a braggadocious way at all, but the ratings when I go on are very big because people like what I have to say. I don’t think Twitter can be successful because I’m on Truth, and people want to hear what I have to say. I mean that in a modest way, I’m not saying that in any other way.”

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