Washington Examiner

Key voter groups shaping the 2024 election.

Throwing Out the Playbook: Rethinking Election Predictions

For decades, political analysts have relied on polling and job approval ratings to predict election outcomes. But now, that strategy is being tossed aside. The last five election cycles have exposed weaknesses in this traditional approach, starting with the surprising 2016 victory of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. The 2022 midterms also defied expectations, leaving analysts searching for new ways to gauge voter behavior in a political landscape marked by uncertainty.

A Clear Roadmap to the 2024 Election

According to political strategist Doug Sosnik, despite the uncertainty, the path to the 2024 election outcome is becoming clearer. Sosnik, who served as a senior adviser to President Bill Clinton, argues that conventional methods of predicting elections have been debunked. To get a more accurate picture of the U.S. electorate, Sosnik suggests focusing on likely voters in eight battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

One key factor that keeps these states competitive is the average education level among voters. Exit polls show that higher-educated voters tend to support Democrats, while less educated voters lean towards Republicans. However, in these battleground states, the average educational attainment falls right in the middle, making the electorate unpredictable.

The Key Voters of the 2024 Cycle

Sosnik has identified four groups of voters that could determine the outcome of the 2024 election:

  1. Double doubters: These voters have a negative view of both Trump and President Joe Biden, making them a crucial demographic. They make up a significant portion of the national electorate, with a majority viewing both candidates unfavorably. This group could open the door for a third-party candidate to sway swing voters, potentially benefiting Trump.
  2. Independents: Independents have been gaining influence in recent election cycles, with more than 30% of voters in the 2022 midterms identifying as independent. Their support could be pivotal in determining the winning party.
  3. Abortion rights voters: The debate over abortion rights played a significant role in the 2022 midterms, and Democrats hope to capitalize on this issue again in 2024. Exit polls showed a majority of voters believe abortion should be legal, with independent voters showing particularly high support.
  4. Republicans: With Trump as a potential front-runner for the GOP nomination, Republicans will have a significant influence on the election outcome. Democrats made gains with Republican voters in the 2022 midterms, and if Trump secures the nomination, it remains to be seen whether Republicans would support the Democratic candidate.

As the traditional playbook is discarded, political analysts are exploring new ways to understand voter behavior and predict election outcomes. The 2024 election promises to be a pivotal moment in American politics, with these key voter groups holding the power to shape the future of the White House and Congress.

Read More From Original Article Here: The four kinds of voters who will determine 2024 election

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