Washington Examiner

Poll: Voters see Biden and Trump as weak choices for 2024.

Voters Doubt Biden and Trump as Strongest Candidates for 2024 Election

A recent poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov reveals that voters are skeptical about the Democratic and Republican front-runners for the 2024 presidential election. While President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are currently leading their respective parties, a majority of voters believe that there are stronger candidates available.

Concerns from Voters

According to the poll, 61% of voters think that Biden is not the strongest candidate the Democrats could nominate, while 53% believe the same about Trump for the Republicans. Interestingly, those who voted for Trump in 2020 are the most doubtful about Biden’s candidacy, with 84% expressing skepticism. On the other hand, Biden 2020 voters are the most skeptical about Trump’s potential as the strongest Republican candidate in 2024, with 76% expressing doubts.

Even among Biden’s own supporters, there are concerns about his candidacy. 40% of Biden 2020 voters believe that he is not the strongest candidate for the Democrats, while 35% think he is. Among Trump 2020 voters, 28% do not consider him the strongest candidate for the GOP, while 55% believe he is.

Current Front-Runners

Despite the doubts surrounding their candidacies, both Biden and Trump are currently leading in the nominating contests. Trump holds a significant lead in the GOP field, with 48% of the vote. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is his closest competitor with 22%. Biden, on the other hand, faces no major challengers in the Democratic primary. Notable figures like Governors Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) have already endorsed Biden for 2024. The RealClearPolitics polling average shows Biden with a commanding lead of nearly 50% in the Democratic field.

Head-to-Head Matchup

In a head-to-head matchup between Biden and Trump for a 2024 rematch, the survey reveals an even split among voters, with both candidates receiving 42% of the vote.

Despite the ongoing speculation and skepticism, it seems that Biden and Trump are still the frontrunners for their respective parties as the 2024 election approaches.

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