Washington Examiner

Former official finds China’s financial support for UPenn’s Biden think tank ‘surprising’.

A Spike in Chinese Donations to the University of Pennsylvania Raises Concerns

A former top investigator at the Education Department has described the surge in Chinese donations to the University of Pennsylvania as “startling.” This increase in contributions followed the establishment of the Penn Biden Center, a think tank named after President Joe Biden.

Between 2017 and 2022, the University of Pennsylvania received a staggering $100 million from Chinese contributors, a significant rise compared to the $19 million received in the previous four years. These figures, reported in foreign gift records, have raised eyebrows among congressional Republicans and watchdogs.

Concerns Over Foreign Donations

The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, which opened in 2017, has drawn attention due to the donations it has received from China, an authoritarian country. Paul Moore, the former head investigative counsel for the Education Department during the Trump administration, testified before Congress, describing the situation as extraordinary.

When asked if he knew of other universities receiving a similar amount of money from China, Moore responded, “Not in that time frame, absolutely not. It was particularly startling to see with UPenn what they had received. That was very notable.”

Further Scrutiny on UPenn

The University of Pennsylvania has faced additional scrutiny after classified documents from Joe Biden’s time as vice president were discovered in his old office at the Penn Biden Center. While the university claims that the think tank is funded by its general budget and not by foreign cash, Moore testified that donations from the general fund could indirectly support the think tank.

Moore explained, “Those funds were co-mingled and certainly went to the general operations and may have gone to the Biden Center.” However, his government office did not investigate the Chinese contributions due to a lack of evidence suggesting that the university was violating federal rules.

Political Implications

Members of Congress had urged an investigation into the matter, but Moore deemed it inappropriate for the office of general counsel to engage in such a politically charged investigation. He stated, “It would have been a very political thing, inappropriate, frankly, for the office of general counsel.”

The Influence of the Penn Biden Center

The Penn Biden Center has been described as an administration-in-waiting, as many of its former staffers have gone on to join the federal government under President Joe Biden. Notable figures who have previously led the think tank include Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House counselor Steve Richetti.

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