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Tucker Carlson questions DeSantis about Ukraine stance.

Florida Gov.‌ Ron DeSantis Faces Tough ⁢Questions⁢ on ⁢Abortion and Ukraine

Florida⁣ Gov. Ron ​DeSantis recently ​attended the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, where he was ‍interviewed by former‌ Fox News ⁢host ⁤Tucker ‌Carlson. ⁢The interview⁣ covered ⁤DeSantis’ stance ‍on⁣ pro-life ‍legislation‌ and his changing​ statements on the Ukraine war.

Pro-Life ‌Legislation

Carlson questioned ‌DeSantis about ⁣his history ‍of passing⁣ pro-life⁢ laws​ and asked ⁢if𝅺 he would ​support similar ⁣legislation​ at ⁤the ‌national level ⁢if ⁢elected ​president.

DeSantis 𝅺expressed ‍his support‌ for ​pro-life𝅺 legislation and⁣ praised Iowa Gov.‍ Kim ‍Reynolds for signing a bill that ⁣bans ⁣most abortions ​after ⁤six ⁣weeks of ​gestation. He ​also‍ stated that he would support‍ other ⁢governors taking⁢ similar steps at the𝅺 state level.

Changing Statements ​on 𝅺Ukraine

Carlson then𝅺 questioned 𝅺DeSantis ‌about​ his ⁣changing𝅺 statements on the Ukraine war,𝅺 which ​have drawn ⁣criticism​ from both ‌the ‌left and the ‌right.

DeSantis,‍ a Navy veteran, ⁢explained ⁤that his military experience ‍taught him⁢ the ​importance ‍of𝅺 having a clear plan⁢ and⁢ criticized ⁢D.C. ‌officials for‌ lacking⁢ one. 𝅺He emphasized that U.S. ​officials should prioritize America’s⁢ own‌ border issues over those⁤ of Ukraine and Russia.

Ron ⁤DeSantis:
“I ‌wish the 𝅺DC elites ⁣cared as𝅺 much about⁢ our border ‍as ⁣they ⁢do⁢ about ⁢the Ukraine/Russia ⁤border.

The cartels ⁣are running the ‌show…If ‌they’re breaking⁢ into our country ​bringing⁣ product..that will‍ be the last thing they ​do ⁤because they will 𝅺be⁤ stone cold ‍dead.”⁢

— ‍Adam Paul⁢ Laxalt (@AdamLaxalt) July 15, ⁣2023

DeSantis argued that the𝅺 goal should be 𝅺to achieve sustainable peace⁢ in​ Europe and that Europe should‌ take 𝅺more‌ responsibility for⁣ managing the Ukraine-Russia conflict. He ​emphasized⁤ that the ‍top‍ threat to the United ‍States‌ is𝅺 China ⁢and⁢ its​ ambitions.

Overall, ‍DeSantis stood⁣ firm ⁤on ‌his⁤ pro-life stance⁢ and criticized the‍ lack ⁤of 𝅺a⁣ clear⁣ plan ⁤in‍ dealing ⁣with the Ukraine⁣ war. He emphasized⁣ the need to prioritize ​America’s own​ interests​ and national 𝅺security.

The ​post‍ Watch:𝅺 Tucker Carlson Confronts DeSantis on⁢ Alleged⁤ Flip-Flopping⁢ on Ukraine‍ appeared ⁢first on⁤ The ​Western​ Journal.

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