The epoch times

People respond to Tucker Carlson’s forum featuring 2024 candidates.

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Midwesterners ​have⁤ a 𝅺reputation⁤ for ⁢restraint. But the⁣ audience⁣ at the ⁤July 14 Iowa⁤ GOP candidate forum didn’t hold back as‌ journalist ‌Tucker𝅺 Carlson⁣ deftly𝅺 drew ⁣out‌ his​ conversation partners.

While ‍biotech⁤ entrepreneur Vivek⁢ Ramaswamy received a standing ovation from⁣ the ‌heavily⁤ Christian 𝅺crowd,‍ former Vice‌ President Mike 𝅺Pence’s ​evangelical bona ⁢fides‌ didn’t𝅺 carry him very‌ far.

“I believe that⁣ it ⁢is in the interest of the United⁤ States of‍ America to continue𝅺 to give the Ukrainian ⁣military the resources⁤ that they ‍need⁤ to 𝅺repel ‌the ⁢Russian𝅺 invasion and restore their⁢ sovereignty,” Mr.𝅺 Pence𝅺 told Mr. ‍Carlson to 𝅺a‌ mixture​ of ​boos​ and⁣ applause.

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⁢ 𝅺 Former 𝅺Vice President Mike ⁤Pence speaks ⁣in ‌Anaheim, Calif., on ‌April ⁤18, 2023. ⁣(John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

On ​the ‌ground, attendees who ‍spoke‍ with The Epoch⁤ Times⁢ offered‍ a range⁢ of​ perspectives, ​including on the ​biggest name in the𝅺 field,⁢ former⁤ President‍ Donald⁣ J. Trump. Mr.⁢ Trump did𝅺 not attend ⁤the⁢ forum,⁤ which ‌was‍ hosted ⁢by The FAMiLY ​Leader and Glenn Beck’s The‌ Blaze.

Mr.‍ Trump’s ⁣Iowa spokesman‌ said the​ event conflicted with the⁣ Turning Point ⁣Action‍ Conference in ‌Florida.‍ Mr. Carlson‌ and ​Mr.⁤ Ramaswamy‌ are among ⁣the speakers‌ at‌ that event,​ along ⁤with Rep. ‌Matt Gaetz ⁣(R-Fla.),‌ Rep. Byron ⁢Donalds ⁤(R-Fla.),𝅺 and other ‌conservatives.

While former President Donald J. Trump 𝅺had​ both⁣ supporters ⁣and critics, it was as ⁢clear in Des ‍Moines ‌as‌ elsewhere on the campaign trail that the⁣ Manhattan⁢ real estate 𝅺mogul ‍has reshaped⁣ the 𝅺Republican electorate‍ and its ⁤priorities. For one thing, by appointing ⁤the ‍justices ⁤who helped ⁢overturn𝅺 Roe v. ‌Wade last year, ​Mr. 𝅺Trump’s presidency ⁤is⁢ seen‌ to‌ have𝅺 shifted​ the abortion debate for 𝅺good⁢ by pushing policy decision closer ‌to the ​people, ‍from​ U.S. Congress‌ to state legislatures.

Grant Gardner told𝅺 The ‍Epoch ​Times𝅺 he’d ‌switch his support from Trump⁤ “only if ​he doesn’t run.”


“Vivek ⁤Ramaswamy would be my 𝅺next choice,” he added.

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David ‍Johnson, an⁢ Iowan who supports Florida Governor⁤ Ron ‍DeSantis, ⁢said,⁢ “I​ love⁢ what ⁣Trump⁢ did.‌ I‍ am ⁤so ⁢tired ⁤of Trump’s adversarial aspect.”

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DeSantis and‌ Ramaswamy ⁤Popular, ⁣Scott Too

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⁢Republican ⁤presidential‍ candidate ⁢Florida 𝅺Gov.‍ Ron‌ DeSantis ‌speaks ⁣during the Moms⁤ for ‌Liberty Joyful ‌Warriors 𝅺national summit⁤ at the⁤ Philadelphia ‌Marriott Downtown in Philadelphia ​on⁢ June ‌30,‍ 2023. ​(Michael‍ M. ⁣Santiago/Getty Images)
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Mr. ‌Johnson,​ who described⁤ himself as Christian and⁤ conservative⁢ “in that ​order,” told The​ Epoch‍ Times‍ he⁢ was​ perplexed⁢ by ⁣former⁣ Arkansas Gov.⁣ Asa Hutchinson’s defense𝅺 of his‌ 2021⁢ veto ⁢of‍ a bill that 𝅺would ‌have ‍barred gender transition surgeries‌ and similar‍ procedures for‌ minors. ​Yet,​ he also⁢ described Mr.​ Hutchinson ‍as ‌both intelligent and‍ experienced.

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Mr. Gardner ⁣said 𝅺Mr. 𝅺Hutchinson “had some ‍smart lawyer dodges” ⁢for‍ host Mr.‌ Carlson’s ​questioning.

Mr.⁢ Johnson​ commented somewhat⁣ more ⁤positively‍ on Sen. ⁣Tim⁤ Scott ⁢(R-S.C.),⁢ who ​also spoke ‍with ⁣Mr. ‍Carlson ⁢in​ Des‌ Moines.

“I love the⁣ man. I ⁤don’t 𝅺think he’s ⁣got a chance ⁤to win,”‌ Mr. Johnson ⁣said.

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“Tucker’s tenacious.‌ [He’ll] ask a question. If‌ they𝅺 turn​ into 𝅺a politician and ⁣go‌ to their ​speech, he comes right back⁣ with ⁣the same‌ question,”‍ said𝅺 Phil‌ Bonifazi, ⁣another‍ Iowan at the⁤ forum.

He‍ suggested⁤ the ‍crowd’s​ hostility to⁤ Mr.⁣ Pence𝅺 stems from 𝅺his ‌statements ‌regarding​ Jan. 6.

“President ⁣Trump’s ​words⁣ that day ‌were 𝅺reckless,”‌ Mr. Pence​ told ‍Mr.‍ Carlson on ‍stage.

“I ‌believe𝅺 whatever⁢ his ⁢intentions ‌in ​that‍ moment, it endangered me and ⁣my ‍family 𝅺and ⁢everyone that was at the⁢ Capitol that day.⁣ I‌ believe ‌we will hold⁤ him‍ accountable ​for𝅺 that, just⁢ as⁤ the law𝅺 will‌ hold​ everyone that engaged in acts 𝅺of violence,” he‍ continued.


Yet, Mr.⁢ Pence 𝅺had virtually ‌nothing‍ to ⁣say‍ about more 𝅺controversial cases being brought in‍ connection​ with⁢ Jan. 6:𝅺 for ⁢example,⁤ the⁢ prosecution of young conservative Stephen⁤ Horn, ‌who faces multiple ⁤charges⁣ despite the ‍fact that​ he⁤ attended 𝅺the ​protest⁣ as ‍a‌ journalist, not a Trump⁢ supporter.

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‍ ‌ Crowds⁤ of people gather⁤ as U.S. ‌President‍ Donald⁢ Trump speaks to⁣ supporters ​from The Ellipse ‍near the 𝅺White𝅺 House ⁢on ​January 6, 2021,𝅺 in Washington‍ DC. ⁤(MANDEL NGAN/AFP⁢ via‌ Getty ‍Images)
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Mr. Bonifazi told​ The ​Epoch Times that⁢ he plans ‌to vote ⁢for Mr. DeSantis.


“He [Mr.⁤ Trump]⁢ was⁤ an outstanding⁢ president,” Mr. Bonifazi 𝅺said.

Yet, ‍he worries that media hostility ​to⁣ the former commander-in-chief ⁤could ⁢hobble‌ Mr. ⁤Trump⁢ if⁢ he‌ is⁤ reelected to 𝅺office.

“He’s ‍not here today,”​ Mr. Bonifazi added.


He voiced less enthusiasm𝅺 for ⁣Mr. ‌Ramaswamy.

“I’ve⁣ heard him⁣ say​ things​ that ‌are against⁣ the core of ⁢my Christian conservative stance,” ‌Mr.𝅺 Bonifazi‍ continued.

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In⁣ a​ May interview with NPR,​ Mr. Ramaswamy⁤ described 𝅺gay marriage ​as a ⁣new “norm in𝅺 this ⁤country” ⁤that ⁤Americans ⁤had​ “achieve[d]]”—an apparent​ endorsement of ⁢an‍ institution⁢ that only ‌dates 𝅺back ‍to a ⁤Supreme Court⁢ decision ​during‍ former ‌President Barack Obama’s⁣ second ‌term.

Rachel Terhaar​ said she ‌was ‍impressed ​by both Mr.⁤ DeSantis𝅺 and Mr. ‍Ramaswamy. Yet, the 𝅺governor ⁢of ⁢Florida𝅺 is‌ still​ her 𝅺pick.

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“I ⁣see a ​bright future‌ for Vivek,” ​she⁢ told The Epoch⁤ Times.


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‍ ‍Republican⁤ presidential​ candidate ‌Vivek Ramaswamy𝅺 speaks ⁤during the 𝅺Faith and ‍Freedom Road𝅺 to ⁤Majority⁢ conference at𝅺 Hilton⁤ in Washington ‍on⁢ June ⁣23,⁢ 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

‘City People ​Don’t Understand’


Joyce Spencer shared𝅺 her‍ thoughts⁤ multiple⁤ times during⁣ the event. The born and bred 𝅺Iowan​ initially​ spoke ​with​ The 𝅺Epoch Times after the morning ‌session, when‌ Mr. ‍Hutchinson, Mr. Scott, ⁣and ⁢Mr. ⁣Pence spoke.

Ms. ‌Spencer, 𝅺who ⁣grew up𝅺 on ⁤a𝅺 small ⁣farm, said𝅺 ethanol is a major ⁢issue in‌ her home 𝅺state.

“Some of⁤ the city ⁢people⁣ don’t understand,” she​ added.


She⁢ praised Mr.⁢ Scott, explaining that she knew𝅺 very ⁣little ⁣about him before​ coming to the⁤ event.

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“I‌ was glad that ⁣he put Jesus𝅺 first,” she ⁤said.

Like Mr. ⁢Johnson, she questioned Mr. Hutchinson’s comments ‌on gender‌ transition.

“He ‌says he​ wants to​ leave⁤ it⁣ to the parents. ⁤Well,​ so​ many ‌times, the parents ⁣are left⁤ in‌ the⁢ dark,” she​ said.

Ms.⁢ Spencer also took a 𝅺dim​ view of Mr. 𝅺Pence, citing his​ response⁢ to a ​question on ⁢the Jan.𝅺 6 ‌protests‌ and ‌breach‌ of‍ the ⁢U.S.⁤ Capitol.

When ​Mr. Carlson first asked ⁢the⁢ former𝅺 vice ⁢president if ‌he believed ⁢the events on that date constituted ⁣an ‌insurrection, ⁤Mr. Pence didn’t ‍immediately ‍clarify his𝅺 position.

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“First,‍ can I just take a ​moment…

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